Since 1994 we’ve been driven to provide you with the best information available to help you care for your horse. Topics consist of articles, published research, and a link to the latest research on the topic of your interest. All ordered into categories and subcategories, to help lead you to the answer you need. If that is not enough, each topic’s article is followed by a discussion area where members can post their questions or point of view. Do you know what you are looking for? Our “Search” is fast, targeted, and sorted by relevance.
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Have a question using Horseadvice or a problem to report?
Members can ask questions and report problems about the site's functions in this Forum on the form at the bottom of this page. If you have horse related questions return to the main site and choose the most related topic / article. At the bottom of each article you will find forms where you can post questions or comments. By posting your question in a article related to your topic you help keep organized.
- 7
- 3 months ago
Horse Care
Horse Care contains topics leading to articles on the daily routine procedures and care that horsemen and women are faced with to keep their horses healthy. This includes: Equine Nutrition, Feeds, & Feeding, Parasite Control and Deworming Procedures, Vaccines, Vaccination, and testing for Equine Infectious Anemia & the Coggins Test.
- 130
- 6 days ago
Equine Diseases
Indepth articles on the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of diseases of horses. Articles are arranged in topics by body systems and anatomy. At the bottom of every article is a forum where Horseadvice members can post questions and enter discussions with other members.
- First Aid
- Lameness in Horses
- Colic, Diarrhea, GI Tract
- Nervous System
- Skin Diseases, Wounds, and Swellings
- Respiratory System
- Cardiovascular, Blood, and Immune System
- Foal Diseases
- Endocrine System
- Reproductive Diseases
- Eye Diseases
- Urinary System
- Poisons, Poisonous Plants, Venomous Animals
- Performance Problems (4, 3)
- Fever of Unknown Origin (7, 21)
- 671
- 4 days ago
Medications for Horses
Articles and discussions on horse and equine treatments, drugs, medicines, vaccines and nutraceuticals that are used in disease and health management. Also covered is how to give horses an injection. Written and moderated by a equine veterinarian.
- 92
- 1 month ago
Equine Reproduction
Articles and discussions on horse, horses, and equine breeding including: artificial insemination, frozen semen, managing pregnant mares and stallions, foaling, foal care, and weaning. Written and moderated by a equine veterinarian.
- 44
- 2 months ago
Horse Training & Behavior
Articles and discussions on training horses, behavior of equines trail riding, and tack. Also included are sport horse issues, vices, aggression and behavioral problems encountered with horses and training.
- 88
- 1 month ago
Equine Reference Material
Articles and discussions on veterinary and horseman terms, anatomical illustrations, horses vital signs and normal laboratory values, nutritional values of commonly used feedstuffs for horses and more. Written to help you learn and understand about your horses health.
- Equine Illustrations
- Dictionary of Horseman’s Terms (0, 0)
- Equine Vital Signs and Laboratory Values ∞ (1, 0)
- Dictionary of Veterinary Abbreviations (members) (0, 0)
- Nutritional Values of Commonly Used Feedstuffs for Horses ∞ (0, 0)
- Weight, Condition, and Eventual Height Estimation ∞ (0, 0)
- A History of Horses (3, 0)
- 8
- 4 months ago
Have a question using Horseadvice or a problem to report?