Discussion on Testicles DrOpping
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Member: Debis
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 15, 2004 - 9:21 am:
I have a stud colt that is about a year and five months. Never having had a stud colt before this time, I am curious as to what age their testicals DrOp and possibly at what age can I expect a change in his personality. He is currently just a sweet lovable colt. Easy to be around, ready to please and responsive. I would like to leave him a stud as long as possible, but have had mixed reactions from horse friends. My main reason for leaving him a stud as long as possible is growth. He is a APHA colt, and has solid performance Quarter Horse breeding. Poco Bueno and Doc lines. Friends have been saying that if I leave him a stud too long, even after gelding him, he will be ruined and always be studish. Can you provide some insite on this. If it were my choice I would even like to breed him once and get a foal out of him before he is gelded. Thanks for any information you may have to offer. Debi
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 15, 2004 - 10:01 am:
Hello Deborah, Check out Care for Horses > Particular Situations & Procedures > Castration in Horses for answers to all your questions above. DrO
New Member: Wirr
Posted on Monday, Jun 5, 2006 - 1:33 pm:
I have a stud colt that was 2 years old today. He has DrOpped one testicle. How long should I give him to see if he is going to DrOp the other one before I decide that he is going to be a monochlid (sp?) & needs to be gelded. He is just now starting to act a bit stud-y so he may be a late bloomer? He is stallion quality but I will not use him as a stud if he doesn't DrOp the other testicle because it could be inherited. Molly Wild Irish Rose Ranch
Member: Morg1
Posted on Tuesday, Jun 6, 2006 - 8:54 am:
All of my studs have been DrOpped by the time they were a yearling. If it hasn't happened yet I would think that it's not going to.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - 11:24 am:
You could wait to three Malinda but as Karen notes, it is unlikley from here out. I don't have percentages however. DrO