Discussion on Horses stolen and starving
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Member: Cwilson
Posted on Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 - 1:18 pm:
It came to my attention last week that there are about 20 stolen horses in a county in WV which. These horses could be from WV, MD. or PA since this county isn't that far away. Authorties were notified but they don't know much about horsese and said they didn't look so bad. These horses have no water, feed, or hay. The person who sees these horses everyday while driving to work and who owns a stable knows these horses are in bad shape. WV doesn't have any associations to contact and we don't know who to contact. Once winter hits, which will be soon, these horses will freeze. If anyone has any idea as to who to contact or what we should do next, please let me know. Thank you
Member: Westks
Posted on Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 - 2:25 pm:
I would start here Fight Animal Cruelty in Your Area: ASPCA https://www.aspca.org/Cruelty Help HorseAid STOP Horse Abuse! https://www.igha.org/abuse.html Equine Rescue League https://srd.yahoo.com/S=2237344:D1/CS=2237344/SS=26838870/*https://www.equinerescueleague.org Equus Sanctuary - mission is the rescue and rehabilitation of slaughterhouse bound horses https://srd.yahoo.com/S=2237344:D1/CS=2237344/SS=2225311/*https://www.equus.org Hooved Animal Rescue & Protection Society (HARPS) - rescues and rehabilitates neglected and abused horses and other hooved animals. Works with the government to promote humane and protective legislation, and provides owner education https://srd.yahoo.com/S=2237344:D1/CS=2237344/SS=91000771/*https://www.harpsonline.org/ Wind Ridge Farm Equine Sanctuary, Inc. - Wellsville, PA - for horses that have been saved from slaughter houses, neglect, and otherwise inhumane deaths. https://srd.yahoo.com/S=2237344:D1/CS=2237344/SS=14830339/*https://www.stlf.org/ntc/11/windridg.htm Spring Hill Horse Rescue - dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abused, neglected, and slaughter-bound horses. Premarin foal adoptions available. https://srd.yahoo.com/S=2237344:D1/CS=2237344/SS=41196121/*https://www.springhillrescue.com/ Turtle Rock Rescue - no-kill shelter, specializing in equines and working with the Bureau of Land Management's Adopt a Horse Program https://srd.yahoo.com/S=2237344:D1/CS=2237344/SS=58528890/*https://www.turtlerockrescue.com/ United Pegasus Foundation - dedicated to protecting horses from abuse and slaughter. Accepts all former race horses regardless of age, physical condition, or success in racing. https://srd.yahoo.com/S=2237344:D1/CS=2237344/SS=26587298/*https://www.crt-stable.com/upf/ Angel Rescue Equine Program https://www.angelrescue.com/Angel-Rescue-Equine-Program.html THIS ONE IN VA - New Beginning Equine Shelter https://www.nb-equineshelter.org/ P.E.E.R. Providing Equine Education and Rescue https://www.peer.5u.com/ THIS ONE IN VA - Roanoke Valley Horse Rescue https://www.rvhr.com/ Rock N Acres Animal Rescue -TN https://www.geocities.com/rnarescue/ Merry Meade Sanctuary -TN https://www.merrymeademeadows.com/index1.html If none of those help let me know and I will look for some more resources good luck
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 - 5:23 pm:
Chris who has responsiblity for these horses? DrO
Member: Cwilson
Posted on Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 - 7:29 pm:
Dr. O, My understanding is that a man has them pastured on another man's land. This is backwoods WV. This information was brought to my attention on Sat. and the woman who sees the horses everyday doesn't know what to do. She is the one who contacted the sheriff and he did nothing. I can probably get more details. I told her about this web site and said I would try to get some information. We even thought about taking hay to the horses but there isn't a place along the road to pull off and get the hay to them. She said these horses were beautiful this summer when they first showed up. Thank you
New Member: Question
Posted on Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 - 2:06 am:
Hi Chris...Help can be on the way. I contacted HARPS for you as I have worked with them before..and they are in my town. I have a contact for you in West Virginia. Her name is connie lupardus and has been victorious in acheiving the first ever guilty verdict in an animal abuse case. I also have a place the horses might be able to go to recuperate but it would be in Kentucky...Please contact her ASAP her email is cmlupadus@yahoo.com. Please help them! Laure
Member: Question
Posted on Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 - 2:09 am:
Also Chris..Do you have a phone ctc I can give to Connie..She is going to call me and perhaps it would help if I can give her a number for you. I can also give you hers..my ctc is 847 372 6684..Ps Connie is in West Virginia....Laure
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 - 4:34 pm:
Horses with no water is always potentially a critical situation and not one that the law will normally ignore. Perhaps if you also contact the sheriff and get everyone you know to contact the sheriff: down here they are elected officials and the more voices the better. If that goes no where try your local ASPCA or perhaps contact your State Veterinary Association through your local veterinarian. Of course there are all the references above but none can act without the law's support. DrO
Member: Question
Posted on Wednesday, Dec 3, 2003 - 6:35 pm:
Looking for Chris Wilson...Regarding West Virginia Horses.. Please call Connie Lupardus..Harps representative in West Virginia with Law contacts..she has a place where the horses can go and action can be taken..email is cmlupardus@yahoo.com or faster is her phone number of 304 577 6676 (evenings) Please let me know what happens!!!! Laure
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