Discussion on Haflinger dispersal at U of Delaware
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Member: erika
Posted on Thursday, Oct 11, 2007 - 3:17 pm:
I received the following email to day from our trails coordinator. Have not checked it out, but it may be of interest to some of you: In a message dated 10/10/2007 7:28:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, daisyhavenfarm@gmail.com writes: FYI Hi Everyone, I have a University of Delaware Veterinary student working with me who had a class last year involved with breeding and training of Halflingers at the University of Delaware. The University is reducing the herd by taking the excess horses to New Holland - unless someone will take them and give them homes. They consist of weanlings, yearlings, pregnant and non pregnant mares. I am not sure of the timing but it will be soon. Today is Oct 10, 2007. The University is selling them for the going meat price at New Holland - the student here at work bought the yearling he was working with for $300.00. He is also looking for a place to keep the horse near Newark, DE, if anyone knows of a place he can board it. If you are interested please email me at suzanne.snajdr@usa.dupont.com. Please pass this around. Thanks, Suzanne Snajdr
Member: pbauer
Posted on Thursday, Oct 11, 2007 - 5:26 pm:
Member: zarr
Posted on Thursday, Oct 11, 2007 - 7:35 pm:
This just came in:" The Univ. of Delaware has NO intention or plans to sell its horses for slaughter. The Univ. of Delaware is committed to the health and well being of all our horses" Patrick Harker www.president@udel.edu so I hope that it was a false alarm. Cindy
Member: erika
Posted on Thursday, Oct 11, 2007 - 7:51 pm:
Slaughter?!! Who said anything about slaughter? I think it said they are going for "meat prices", not that they are going for meat!
Member: zarr
Posted on Thursday, Oct 11, 2007 - 8:48 pm:
The above is a direct quote from the President of the Univ. of Delaware so his choice of word not mine or yours. Which is why all need to read what is said and not leap off a cliff of unknown. Think the person who started the original concern is much appeased now and the horses are in good care. Cindy
Member: erika
Posted on Thursday, Oct 11, 2007 - 9:21 pm:
I realize that, Cindy. But I posted the original and wasn't worried. I just thought I would post it for any members who might be interested in buying a Haflinger from the University of Delaware. New Holland is a horse auction, not a slaughter plant. But I do think the university was misguided if they have pregnant mares and foals to "disperse". Poor planning, if nothing else--goes back to what we all say about responsible breeding, doesn't it? Also a poor choice of words ("meat prices")from the person who sent the email to our trails coordinator, but I don't think there was any realistic fear of them going to slaughter. Thanks for checking up on it though, I didn't realize it was misleading to some.
Member: pbauer
Posted on Thursday, Oct 11, 2007 - 11:38 pm:
Dear All, If there was an indirect reference to my post...be assured I'm not appeased by the statement made by the Mr. Patrick Harker! Poor planning...doesn't begin to address this profoundly sickening situation. A reckless disregard for responsibility is my terminology. As far as the "meat" auction is concerned...well, I'm sure there won't be any KILLER BUYERS there...??????...NOT. My husband asked, "How would one know where a horse is going at an auction?" And...please don't speak for me...I have a voice, and will make my point known. Yes, my heart is broken, and continues to be...!! Respectfully, Tonya
Member: zarr
Posted on Friday, Oct 12, 2007 - 11:20 am:
Lots of KBs at New Holland it is one of their main "buying" places. There is a beautiful TB just saved from there along with several draft types and that is where I think the original concern came and rightly so. As with the 100 starving minis in Kansas if people stand up and say this is not right with Gods good grace help comes. So this will work out and the minis are being helped so the the moment its is good! and yes very poor planning and not a good choice of action by Pres. Harker. He will speak with greater care next time. Cindy
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