Discussion on After care of mare who had a dead foal
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Member: avandia
Posted on Sunday, Dec 14, 2008 - 5:44 am:
Yesterday I brought home my mare. The day before she was found with her dead foal. The owner came home to find the mare looking down at her foal who’s head was covered by the sack. He contacted me and I bought her back. She has just spent a quiet night in the yard with an old friend. My question is: What is the best way to dry up her milk. Her udder is not particularly large and there is no milk flowing. She is not appearing distressed. Can I turn her out on a 20 acre paddock to play with her friends or should I leave her in a yard for a week, with only a round bale of hay. She is in very good condition. I would like to put her into work asap. I know in the olden days mares would work with the foal beside them. She would only be gently ridden out on trails by a light rider. Work that she loved. How soon does everyone think would been acceptable for her.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Sunday, Dec 14, 2008 - 9:59 am:
Hello Marcia, We discuss drying up mares at Horse Care » Equine Nutrition, Horse Feeds, Feeding » Feeding the Growing Foal, Nutrition for Young Horses but if the mammary glands are "not particularly enlarged" I don't believe any special action needs to be undertaken. The lost pregnancy should not in itself effect the work load the horse can undertake. The question in my mind is there any lingering disease process? If not, the mare can be returned to a level of work suitable to her condition. DrO
Member: ekaufman
Posted on Sunday, Dec 14, 2008 - 11:49 am:
Hi Marcia, Sorry to hear of the loss of your foal. Just have to ask, since you didn't mention it specifically: did she pass the placenta intact soon after birth? Are the mare's vitals normal? It does happen that a normal foal will suffocate post-partum, but the foal could also have been born dead or distressed, and the mare may need treatment, in which case it's quite time-sensitive. Let us know how she gets along.
Member: avandia
Posted on Monday, Dec 15, 2008 - 8:30 pm:
After a phone call last night Esme has gone to raise an orphan foal. As yet she will not stand for the foal to drink without some restraining from us. The foal has had 6 two hourly drinks. Is it possible that this mare will totally accept this foal. At this stage the mare is being unpredictable. One moment she seems to be accepting and nurturing, then something happens and she becomes ill tempered. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Tuesday, Dec 16, 2008 - 8:56 am:
avandia, we have an article on orphan foals that describes a useful procedure to get mares to accept foster foals. For more on this see Diseases of Horses » Reproductive Diseases » Birthing Problems » Feeding and Caring for the Orphan Foal. DrO
Member: erika
Posted on Tuesday, Dec 16, 2008 - 6:30 pm:
My maiden mare had to be held for the first several days for her foal to nurse. She would just keep walking away from her when turned out. Soon she grew to encourage nursing, and was an excellent mom. Sorry about your foal, hope mama feels better with another little one around. Erika
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