Discussion on Reaction from "Endure" Fly Spray?
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Member: Mwebster
Posted on Thursday, Jul 17, 2003 - 10:04 pm:
My older gelding came down with hives within a few hours of spraying him with Endure, which we hadn't used before. It took a few days for the hives to really disappear, and he's got patches of missing fur on one flank so he looks a little mangy in that one place, but the hives are gone. The other horses didn't react. This horse has never had hives before. I would probably not have posted about this -- who knows if it really was the Endure, etc. -- had I not just gotten off the phone with a local equestrian who told me I was about the 4th person who'd told her about hives after spraying a horse with Endure. We're using it on the other 2 horses only, and they seem to be fine. Has anyone else had an "Endure reaction"? We're back to Repel-X, but I think given the bug situation today (incredible, really) I'm off to buy some Deep Woods tomorrow... Melissa
Member: Goodie
Posted on Thursday, Jul 17, 2003 - 10:32 pm:
I use Endure on the legs of both my babies on a daily basis. They wear fly sheets so only the legs need it. I also have tried it all over right before a ride and neither time did I have any trouble. Maybe there is something in Endure that certain horses are allergic to. Is there really a Deep Woods for horses?
Member: Sunny66
Posted on Friday, Jul 18, 2003 - 1:52 pm:
Mine hasn't had a reaction to Endure either...I just started spraying him daily with it two weeks ago.
Member: Frances
Posted on Tuesday, Jul 22, 2003 - 2:34 pm:
Four of the horses on our yard (including mine)have had a bad reaction to Equimins Fly Repellent. It's a UK brand - don't know if it's sold in the US, or if so under what name - maybe Endure?
Member: Hirth
Posted on Thursday, Aug 3, 2006 - 1:28 pm:
My horse seems to react to Endure by peeling (as one would with sunburn). I think this mostly happens when gets sprayed while wet (from sweating or a bath). He has not developed hives or lost any hair, but I did stop using the Endure brand. He has never had a reaction to any other brand of fly spray including other "long-lasting" brands.
Member: Vickiann
Posted on Thursday, Aug 3, 2006 - 11:47 pm:
My guys have had some peeling when Endure is applied to wet skin also. This can happen with a number of sprays. When the skin is wet the spray seems to get down to the skin and past the hair more. I've had pretty good luck with the Flysect Super-C not causing peeling even when wet. It kills ticks, etc. and seems to be one of the more effective sprays and has sunscreen in it.