Discussion on Best Configuration For Small Pole/Panel Pen
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Member: Bonita
Posted on Friday, Apr 2, 2004 - 8:42 am:
Am thinking of creating a small temporary/movable "holding area" to use when doing stalls in ugly weather. I have done this before using some of my metal round-pen panels in a half-circle up against the barn, but would like to create another area "freestanding". This would only be used for older "will-just-stand-there-&-eat" type horses - not youngsters or anyone who will run/get crazy. Also - horses would never be out in this setup unsupervised. Would 8 panels set up as a square safely work? Or would I have to get enough to do another full round pen? I really would prefer to use the panels - I'm definitely NOT an electric fence person & don't really want to start with that. My horses haven't been exposed to it, & I'm talking about a really small confinement area here. Thanks!
Member: Tagloili
Posted on Friday, Apr 2, 2004 - 7:29 pm:
Hi Bonita, I recently had to do what you are about today. For the older horses, I used four 5x12 panels, one with a bow gate in a square. Since I had to make do for many horses, I put the panels next to each other. The panels I have use chains to connect, so it was easy. Hope that helps. George
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Sunday, Apr 4, 2004 - 9:16 am:
How big are your panels Bonita? If I understand your post correctly I would not make a straight side with 2 panels. The panels "stand" most securely when they create a angle or a corner, so a eight sided figure with all the corners being appx. the same would be strongest. DrO
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