Discussion on Is Anyone Using the "Corral Cooler"?
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Member: Terrilyn
Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 2:51 pm:
I received a promo email from Country Supply today with an ad for the "Corral Cooler." It purportedly lowers your barn temps by 25 degrees and reduces flies and insects through "misting" the air at regular intervals with water. It appears to be fairly simple to install and requires a water source with a minimum of 45 psi pressure. The kit advertised supposedly covers an area roughly the size of a 4-horse barn. All for $99. Here is the link: https://cooler.countrysupply.com/detail.asp?email=CE04009 Is anyone using this? Does it actually work? Just curious as I'm thinking of purchasing this. If you've got one, how about a review? Thanks! Terri
Member: Mrose
Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 8:00 pm:
I don't use one, but some of the barns around here, and esp. further south, use a similar deal. They use a patio mister you can get at Home Depot, Ace, or Lowes. In a hot dry climate it does keep things quite a bit cooler. I doubt it would do as much where it is humid.
Member: Terrilyn
Posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 12:37 pm:
Sara-- Thanks for your post. It prompted me to do a little research on evaporative cooling since we live in coastal Virginia....humid? We experience about 100% humidity in summer!! And because we do, the system will not be effective here based on how the process of evaporative cooling works. AND, the articles I read stated it required hundreds of gallons to really be effective...the $99 kit I saw only uses a few gallons per hour. As always, too good to be true! (However, in areas of lower humidity, as you stated, properly installed systems with adequate water supply and pressure work really well.)
Member: Mrose
Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - 10:58 am:
How about just installing some large fans? You can get the box (square) ones that are all enclosed and are pretty good sized at places like Home Depot, K-mart, etc. for about $30. they can be wired to a stall door/window; or put at ea. end of a barn aisle. Just keeping the air stirring would help a lot.
Member: Terrilyn
Posted on Thursday, May 20, 2004 - 1:41 pm:
Yes, I keep fans running now, one per stall. I am really fortunate to have a very large center-aisle barn with cinderblock walls and good ventilation, which tends to stay cooler by about 10-15 degrees than outside....however, our summers here are godawful hot and humid....thought the misting system might make it even better. But the fans do help tremendously.
Member: Skeller
Posted on Friday, May 21, 2004 - 12:11 pm:
I live in West Virginia so I ditto the humidity. The barn I board at has ceiling fans. 4 over the aisle in a row of 7 stalls. They really seem to help. They are also a lot quieter than the box fans. However I do like the box fans for keeping the flies off the horses. The stronger moving air keeps them away.