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Discussion on Unidentified "Structure in Scrotum" | |
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Member: Terrilyn |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 28, 2004 - 3:58 pm: This situation is slightly different than other posts in that I have a gelding who is 2 yrs. 4 mos. old with a visible, tangible "something" in his scrotum, but he is not displaying stallion like behavior...We've had the horse for a week and a half (he has been at a friend's since May, turned out with an older, well-mannered stallion, and they got along fine). When we got him, I noticed a larger-than-usual "sack" where testicles would have once been. (Please forgive my lack of proper clinical terms!!) Feeling around, there is definitely something in there, but smaller than a regular testicle...the vet was out yesterday for fall shots and he described several scenarios. One, that it's a hydra (hyDrO?) seal that developed post-castration. He explained that it's a small fluid-filled sac that is sometimes left after the procedure. Two, it could be an unusually fluid-y testicle. Three, that regardless, there is only one of them, and he could have been cryptorchid and that testicle is now descending. This is a PMU baby that ended up with us, though we are not the original purchasers. He came through FoalQuest. I don't know what their policy is regarding gelding babies...whether it is done through them or if it the responsibility of whoever buys the animal... This horse seems to be very mellow. I have had him turned out with my mare for brief periods. The first time they met, he DrOpped his penis and sniffed around her tail, then they settled down and grazed companionably. He is very nonaggressive and nonreactive towards my other gelding, who acts very much the stud to protect "his" mare. I have NOT observed him around my mare while she's in season. I have NOT seen him exhibit the Flehmen response. But he DOES always poop in the same spot. He's easy to handle and is typically nippy/lippy for the age (no biting) and I've not seen him strike or kick...either at us or the other horses (he is in an adjoining field and can socialize over the fence). Given his age and behavior, does anyone have any advice, experience, etc? Dr. O, how common is a hyDrOseal? And is it likely that a cryptorchid would be DrOpping a testicle this late? My plan is to observe closely and watch for any stallion behavior or tendencies. That was the vet's recommendation. I know that testing is the only way to tell....but just curious if anyone has experienced anything similar. Thanks, as always. |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 29, 2004 - 8:02 am: Also a nonstrangulating hernia is possible Terri and if this is what it is may turn dangerous if the blood supply becomes occluded. A palapation of the internal inguinal rings and a ultrasound by a experienced ultrasonographer should clear this up.DrO |
Member: Terrilyn |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 29, 2004 - 8:53 am: Thank you--he did not mention the possibility of a hernia. I will get in touch with him today and see if we can set up another checkup for this. Will post results afterward. |