Discussion on Growth of withers
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Member: Maggienm
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 29, 2004 - 10:17 am:
While most growth is finished earlier it I have been frequently told that the withers don't finish getting theifinal height until the horse is 7. The term I have heard is springing. What I am wondering is does this happen between 6-7 or duriing the 7th year? Also, how much would the change in withers affect the fit of the saddle? If I bought a saddle to fit a 4 year old would it likely still fit at 7? Thank you
Member: Dres
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 29, 2004 - 10:35 am:
Lori, I believe that all the bones and growth plates are pretty much done/ closed around 3 years old.. younger in some.. having said that, the horse can still add height by gaining muscle in the top line.. thus 'lifting' the shoulders/scapula .. most likely the saddle will need to be adjusted to the 'muscle' development in your growing horse.... On the first day God created horses, on the second day he painted the good ones!
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