Discussion on Diarrhea and wormers
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Member: Beckettj
Posted on Monday, Oct 25, 2004 - 4:54 pm:
Dear Dr. O: The past two times I have wormed my horse with Strongid paste, he has gotten diarrhea afterwards. Sometimes it lasts a week. Should I discontinue using Strongid? Is there a supplement that I can give him that would help his digestive tract recover from the effects of the Strongid in the meantime? Thanks! Janice
Member: Liliana
Posted on Monday, Oct 25, 2004 - 5:16 pm:
Could you be overdosing him?
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Tuesday, Oct 26, 2004 - 6:15 am:
Yes, but not because it gives him diarrhea. You see some dewormers that in some horses create a transient diarrhea and this is not a serious problem. See the article on overview of deworming as to why you should use other dewormers instead. DrO
Member: Beckettj
Posted on Tuesday, Oct 26, 2004 - 11:05 am:
I don't think I'm overdosing. He's a 17 hand warmblood cross that is easily over 1200 pounds. I have always used the full dose of any wormer I've used with him. Strongid is the only one that causes this reaction.
Member: Beckettj
Posted on Tuesday, Oct 26, 2004 - 3:39 pm:
Dr. O: What causes the diarrhea? Is it a killing off of the digestive flora in the gut, or is it some other cause?
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 - 6:23 am:
This has not been studied Janice so I can only conjecture. Because the reaction is individual and repeatable, I don't think microflora is the issue. We do know that if a horse has a heavy worm burden, deworming can result in a transient enteritis from all the open sores left behind, but this does not seem to be your case. I think the bowel may be reacting to the chemical in the dewormer. The result is either the secretion of more fluid into the bowel or changed transit time resulting in loose stools, but again this is just conjecture. DrO