Discussion on Phosphorus deficiency
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Member: maggienm
Posted on Wednesday, Apr 22, 2009 - 9:56 am:
Dr. O, Feeding beet pulp has become very popular, some people feed bran to balance the calcium and phosphorus and some don't. In a discussion about feeding there were several ideas put forth about the need to add bran to a beet pulp diet. While I advocated to supplement with bran, as per your arcticle) I couldn't point to any symptoms in the horse that would indicate a need. I have searched but couldn't find anything relating to phosphorus deficiency or overload. Could you tell me what the signs would be of a phosphorus deficiency or overload? Thank you.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Thursday, Apr 23, 2009 - 7:29 am:
Hello Lori, check out Horse Care » Equine Nutrition, Horse Feeds, Feeding » Calcium, Phosphorus in the Diet. There is a table at the bottom of the page that covers problems with Ca and Phos intake. DrO
Member: gramsey1
Posted on Sunday, Apr 26, 2009 - 8:36 pm:
Yes, but the question was, what are the symptoms? I have wondered the same thing.
Member: sodmonst
Posted on Sunday, Apr 26, 2009 - 11:50 pm:
I read that the symptoms are the same as calcium deficiency because the phosphorous binds with the calcium and makes it unavailable. https://books.google.com/books?id=vpuTp_vwsegC&pg=PA26&lpg=PA26&dq=phosphorus+tox icity+equine&source=bl&ots=YwefZGFAOp&sig=GAJK0F_IBt59blEVN-6ow5-jJSE&hl=en&ei=2 yn1SaGML5O6tgOM3ZzdCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1#PPA31,M1
Member: sodmonst
Posted on Sunday, Apr 26, 2009 - 11:50 pm:
I read that the symptoms are the same as calcium deficiency because the phosphorous binds with the calcium and makes it unavailable. https://books.google.com/books?id=vpuTp_vwsegC&pg=PA26&lpg=PA26&dq=phosphorus+tox icity+equine&source=bl&ots=YwefZGFAOp&sig=GAJK0F_IBt59blEVN-6ow5-jJSE&hl=en&ei=2 yn1SaGML5O6tgOM3ZzdCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1#PPA31,M1
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Monday, Apr 27, 2009 - 10:18 am:
Guy the table at the bottom of the article referenced above describes the symptoms. DrO
Member: sodmonst
Posted on Monday, Apr 27, 2009 - 1:02 pm:
My apology for posting that link twice. (above). Just click on that link, on page 31, bottom right through page 32, you'll find an answer.