New Member: sand53
Posted on Wednesday, Jun 30, 2010 - 12:02 am:
Hi- I just joined horseadvice a few months ago on a limited membership. After reading so many post on over all info relating to horse care decided to join as a full member to have the ability to ask questions. I have a couple of questions to ask regarding Alpha hay. Do the stems on Alpha hay have potential to cause colic in horses. I understand that Alpha is rich in itself may cause a horse to colic, however do the stems play a bigger part in giving a horse colic? My other question, Is it true that Alpha was originally considered to be a hay fed to cows? I live in Arizona and my four horses are in dry pens fed bermuda grass and Alpha hay along with grain. I'm uncertain if I would like to continue feeding the Alpha being concerned about the colic factor? It's great to be a member and look forward to anyone out there who can help me with my questions. Uncertain if my email shows up when posting my questions? Thank you so much! Sandy
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Wednesday, Jun 30, 2010 - 7:42 am:
Welcome Sandra, Concerning your email display, we do not display it in posts. However you can choose to display it in your profile but the default setting is not to. By displaying your email address in either place you open yourself to spam bots which come in and harvest email addresses from publicly displayed internet pages. These addresses are then turned over to spammers and greatly increasing your spam. A major advantage of the discussion section is to exchange information without having to put yourself at this risk. Concerning alfalfa hay, the stems are not considered a factor causing colic but very stemmy alfalfa hay is not as nutritious as that which is leafy and with smaller softer stems. Alfalfa has a long history of a forage for both horses and cows. For more on feeding alfalfa hay to horses see, » Horse Care » Equine Nutrition, Horse Feeds, Feeding » Alfalfa, Clover: Legumes in the Horse's Diet. Be sure to also study the Nutrition Overview article and the Forage Overview article on the same nutrition menu. DrO