Discussion on New Barefoot Website Coming Soon
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Member: ajudson1
Posted on Sunday, Aug 15, 2010 - 8:27 am:
I don't know how many of you get the newsletter that the Weltz's put out. https://thehorseshoof.com/ In this months letter they say that they will be starting a new online source for barefoot hoof care. It is not up and running yet but I thought I'd put it out here so maybe one of us will remember to keep checking back for it! www.hoofhelponline.com I am sure it will be a great resource us barefoot advocates can add to our "HEEELP!" list, lol!
Member: scooter
Posted on Sunday, Aug 15, 2010 - 9:01 am:
Angie when I first read that e-mail, I thought it was saying HA was going to have an all new barefoot section I thought OHHHH good, but then I looked at your post and figured it out . Thanks for the links, one can never have Too much help!!
Member: cometrdr
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 18, 2010 - 6:59 pm:
Great web site too - I checked it out thanks for the post (not as good as this one though Dr O!!! )
Member: ajudson1
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 18, 2010 - 11:05 pm:
I don't know if I missed this before or if it wasn't there, but I see now there is a price listing. It will be $20.00 a month. You can join the yahoo group barefoot hoof care for free which Yvonne Weltz is the moderator of. That's where I started my trimming journey!
Member: ajudson1
Posted on Thursday, Oct 27, 2011 - 10:51 am:
I wanted to update this and let those interested know that the site is finally UP & RUNNING! I joined a few weeks ago, and I am very impressed with the information, and perhaps more importantly, the WAY the information is presented. Things I struggled with are much clearer, and things I thought I knew and was doing correctly, well, I got corrected on those issues, lol! Not many members now, so if you have a pressing hoof issue, want to learn to trim yourself, or you are just curious, hoof it on over to the site. $20.00 a month is well worth it, you can be a member for just a month, or as long as you want. And this is just dedicated to barefoot hoof trimming and care, HA is still THE PLACE for equine health and scientific backed equine knowledge. https://www.hoofhelponline.com