Discussion on Fly Masks at Night
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Member: Sporty
Posted on Tuesday, Jan 7, 2003 - 2:55 pm:
Hey Dr.O You had talked about a fly mask with sunglasses in it for my paint mare. Do you have a brand name that I should get, or would any fly mask do?
Member: Equus
Posted on Tuesday, Jan 7, 2003 - 7:15 pm:
Horses In Black has a fly mask with "sunglasses" on it. It actually works a little like sunglasses because it is two layers of mesh over the eyes....makes it a bit darker.
Member: Sporty
Posted on Thursday, Jan 9, 2003 - 3:08 pm:
Thanks Heather, Do you know where I can get one of these?
Member: Equus
Posted on Sunday, Jan 12, 2003 - 7:17 pm:
Individually, no. Mine came free with the HIB flysheet I ordered. Try contacting the HIB website or representative. I'm sure they must sell them individually as well....I just don't know where. If you can't find HIB, try Classic Cover-ups. I think the company is a subsidiary. Good luck! :-)
Member: Sporty
Posted on Monday, Jan 13, 2003 - 4:12 pm:
Dr O. Did you have any other suggestions on this matter?
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003 - 6:22 am:
You can take a regular fly mask and sew in a dark panel of cloth that can be seen through, something like mosquito netting. DrO
Member: Sporty
Posted on Friday, Jan 17, 2003 - 11:21 am:
Hey Heather, I tried both HIB and Classic Cover Ups but I still can't seem to find the fly mask. What about any catalogs that may have them?
Member: Paul303
Posted on Saturday, Jan 18, 2003 - 1:00 am:
Bridgett: Are you looking for something like this? www.guardianmask.com
Member: Equus
Posted on Sunday, Jan 19, 2003 - 11:31 am:
Hi Bridgett, I got mine out of the Dover catalog, and it is still in there. Unfortunately, it is also still a "free with purchase of fly sheet" offer. There is another one on the next page..."Big Kahuna" done the same way, just in brighter colors. Looks like it may be another model done by the same company. Also free with fly sheet. Good luck with it....who knows, maybe you could use a fly sheet! :-)
Member: Goodie
Posted on Monday, Jul 14, 2003 - 5:39 pm:
I have found a wonderful mask that I use for riding and a different version of it for barn use. They are by Cashel. The Crusader line has so far done a wonderful job of protecting my spoiled (no bug problems in WA compared to MN) horses from the new difficulty of living with these pesky things. Cashel has two different types of masks and the one for riding is specifically designed for easy sight. It even comes with ear covers so that I don't have a shaking and tweaking horse. My endurance baby loves his and my mare gets moody without hers. The only thing that I have found a problem with is the fastener on the jaw but an adjustment solved that problem. My endurance horse has a large jaw and short jowel area so the fastener was rubbing him raw. We just set the mask a little different and Viola! If you would like to look at the masks they are at www.cashelcompany.com
Member: Goodie
Posted on Monday, Jul 14, 2003 - 5:44 pm:
Oops! PS... I can also leave these masks on during the night and during rain and so far, no trouble (knock on wood). Like it it stated above though, every horse is different and they have to know their terrain in order to be safe. My horses live 30 min. away from me on our family farm and there is no one to pull masks every time it's needed. I had to find masks that would last, be reasonable in cost and would survive my horses. I have also found (when I tried the mask on myself) that these pasture masks aren't quite as dark as the other masks from Farnam I have tried in the past.
Member: Suzym
Posted on Tuesday, Jul 15, 2003 - 12:38 pm:
During bug season I always use a mask called the Bug Off Riding Hood. It's made of very fine bee keeper's mesh - this mask is not intended for turn out! - and it covers the entire face and neck. I have ridden with it for years with no stumbling problems. In fact, my horse stumbled less because it kept the deer flies off his neck, whereas before he was driven so crazy by those boogers, he would trip while trying to dislodge them.