Discussion on My Filly seems to have some ear problems...
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New Member: Janmilli
Posted on Thursday, Apr 10, 2003 - 12:23 pm:
Hi! I also have an arab filly, aged two, who justs started throwing her head to the side every several seconds when she is moving about. She just moved to a new place where she has a large grassed paddock all to herself and a run-in which she almost never uses. I know she is lonely- she is by herself now and used to be with other horses all the time. This is happening all the time, not when she's being ridden (too young) or worked with. Just out there in the paddock. She does not seem to be in any pain or discomfort except for this strange action which she never did at the other barn. Anyone have any ideas?
Member: Roboski
Posted on Thursday, Apr 10, 2003 - 2:18 pm:
LOL, "Arabitis" !! But you're right, any breed can contract this ; witness my son's young QH. The lady that raised him decided he had ear mites (I don't know what convinced her) and started treatment with some nasty thing that really irritated the tissue inside his ears. He was adamant that his ears WOULD NOT BE TOUCHED!!! when we got him in November but is relaxing a bit now. Behavior sounds exactly like your filly, Heidi. He just turned 3, by the way!
Member: Roboski
Posted on Thursday, Apr 10, 2003 - 2:20 pm:
Oops! Just noticed how old the original post was! Sorry,All. Sharon