Discussion on Bladder Stones
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Member: Swiley
Posted on Monday, Sep 9, 2002 - 1:12 pm:
Suzanne, you are so brave. When someone opens their hearts to these animals like you do, it makes you very vunerable. Its much easier to be detached, but you miss all the good stuff. Shelley
Member: Suzym
Posted on Monday, Sep 9, 2002 - 1:42 pm:
Thank you, Shelley. I'm not sure I feel very brave right now - the waiting and not knowing if the antibiotics are going to work is really hard We are going back to visit Indy tomorrow, but I don't think I will have any useful information until later in the week. When I have anything, I will post. Your support means more than I can express. Suzy
Member: Suzym
Posted on Thursday, Sep 12, 2002 - 12:55 pm:
DrO and Everyone ~ I have GREAT news! The Baytril is working. Indy's doctor at Purdue just called. They had just done an ultrasound on the mass, and it is only about one half the size it was before and much more "normal" feeling on palpation. Indy's blood work was almost back to normal as well. Dr. Lescun said he was VERY pleased. He's not the only one The plan is to have Indy stay there on his IV Baytril until next Wednesday, then they will switch him to the TMP/SMZ. They will monitor the change over. Dr. L said if he didn't spike a fever in the first 48 hours, that was a good indicator the TMP/SMZ was going to work. If all goes well with that, we would plan to bring him home on Saturday afternoon - which would give them another morning temp check. No matter what, we will be going back down to visit him on Tuesday. Tuesday seems to be our Visit Indy Day :o) We went down last Tuesday and had a wonderful visit. Indy has snookered all the students into giving him extra attention and treats. I think he's more spoiled now than when we took him down - hard as that may be to believe! It's been a dreadful two weeks, but worth it all now! I'll keep you posted Suzy
Member: Paul303
Posted on Thursday, Sep 12, 2002 - 8:06 pm:
Suzy: Thank you for the updates, especially the good news! It always seems to me, that the horses that are going to need special care, always seem to end up with the right owners.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Friday, Sep 13, 2002 - 5:47 am:
That is delightful to hear Suzy DrO
Member: Suzym
Posted on Friday, Sep 13, 2002 - 11:28 am:
It sure IS delightful, DrO Apparently the mass is going through exactly the process you described to me. Dr. Lescun also said it looked more organized on the ultrasound. It will be great to have him home - IF those vet students will give him back Suzy
Member: Sunny66
Posted on Friday, Sep 13, 2002 - 11:37 am:
Suzy, I'm so happy for you, what wonderful news!!!!
Member: Suzym
Posted on Friday, Sep 13, 2002 - 12:49 pm:
Thank you, Aileen and Elizabeth. It IS wonderful news indeed!
Member: Suzym
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 18, 2002 - 11:40 pm:
Hi DrO and Everyone ~ The plan is still to bring Indy home Saturday, but we went down to visit him yesterday. Thought you all might enjoy this picture my hubby took of Indy and me
Suzy and Indy
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Thursday, Sep 19, 2002 - 6:43 am:
Worth a thousand words, I would say. DrO
Member: Sunny66
Posted on Thursday, Sep 19, 2002 - 10:44 am:
I agree!!! Your picture gave me goosebumps!
Member: Paul303
Posted on Thursday, Sep 19, 2002 - 9:02 pm:
So happy for you!
Member: Lilo
Posted on Friday, Sep 20, 2002 - 1:58 pm:
Good luck for the future! Happy for you! Lilo
Member: Suzym
Posted on Friday, Sep 20, 2002 - 11:12 pm:
I'm happy you all are enjoying the picture All the vet students who have contact with Indy through the day tell me that he appears SO much happier when we are there. Funny - that's what my husband says about ME Suzy
Member: Suzym
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 24, 2002 - 12:02 am:
The Mighty Masked Morgan is home - doing what comes naturally
Suzy and Indy
Member: Oscarvv
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 24, 2002 - 4:20 pm:
YIPPEE! He is beautiful!
Member: Paul303
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 24, 2002 - 7:40 pm:
OOOOhh, wonderful! He gets more handsome in every picture. Suzy, is this it? Does he have to follow any diet or testing regimen?
Member: Suzym
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 25, 2002 - 12:26 am:
Hi everyone ~ I wish this WAS it, Elizabeth! No special diet, but he has to be on TMP/SMZ for a month, then we have to take him back to Purdue for another ultrasound exam of the mass. They want to make sure all is going well and that the thing is continuing to shrink. However, he is already urinating much less frequently, so the pressure on his bladder has eased He certainly seems to feel GREAT. He was flying around the pasture this afternoon, showing off for my farrier. As far as he's concerned, he's the old Indy again, but I'm sure he won't mind making another visit to Purdue and all those vet students who kept giving him treats He sends his best to you all Suzy and Indy
Member: Suzym
Posted on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2002 - 11:26 pm:
Hi DrO and everyone ~ We took Indy back to Purdue for his follow-up exam today. GREAT NEWS! The masses are little more than small nodules of scar tissue. In fact, Dr. Lescun had trouble even FINDING them, both on palpation and ultra sound He gave Indy an unconditional release and said we could discontinue the antibiotics. I knew Indy has certainly been ACTING as if he felt great, and now we have confirmation. Thank you SO much for your concern and support It DID help - a lot. Suzy and Indy
Member: Paul303
Posted on Thursday, Oct 24, 2002 - 7:18 pm:
Oh wow! It's about time you have some good luck, Suzy! Thanks so much for getting back to us.