Discussion on Weight loss on a 19 year old cribbing horse!!!
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Posted on Saturday, Aug 31, 2002 - 10:26 pm:
I'm not exactly sure where this should be posted. I have a 16.2 hand gelding that is a chronic cribber and windsucker. He has lost quiet a bit of weight this summer. His feed consist of omlene 200 and he has hay 24 seven. I recently wormed him with ivomec I haven't had his teeth checked yet but he is consuming his food. Is there any type of minerals that may curb this habit? I have all kinds of collars, muzzels and even a shock collar for him. the bad thing about using these divices is I have to tighten them so tight that he can't hardly stand it, allso he colics on me when I do this. I keep digel handy for him, I use to really go through the banamine with them but I do not do that as much anymore, I just give him the digel. He seems to be putting a little weight on I am not seeing his ribs as bad, I know he lost proably close to 300 lbs. . Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks pooh.
Posted on Sunday, Sep 1, 2002 - 10:38 am:
Hello Nancy, It is rare that specific dietary deficiencies are responsible for cribbing and windsucking but there is no doubt that a lack of forage in the diet will worsen it. To evaluate the weight loss problem se the article associated with this forum (Equine Diseases: Colic and GI Diseases: Weight Loss in Horses: Diagnosing Chronic Weight Loss) for evaluating the cribbing see, Training Horses: Behavioral Problems: Stable Vices: Cribbing, Weaving, and Others. If after studying them you have questions you can bring them here. DrO