Discussion on Sugar/Iodine for Thrush?
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Member: Hwood
Posted on Monday, Jan 20, 2003 - 8:49 pm:
Hi, Dr. O., A friend's farrier recommended that she pack her horse's foot with sugar and iodine to cure thrush and for a drained abcess . . . . I had never heard of this remedy before, but this is a very knowledgeable farrier who graduated from Cornell . . . Salt seems like a better choice than sugar, but he said, "Sugar and iodine or betadine." Maybe the sugar gets sticky and holds the iodine on the sole? Have any of you heard of this before and if so, what is the chemical reasoning behind it? Thank you, Holly
Member: Aaring
Posted on Monday, Jan 20, 2003 - 9:36 pm:
Here's a link to an article on sugardine: https://www.lesspub.com/afj/AFJ_Only_Online/Sugardine_link/_Sugar_dine.pdf
Member: Hwood
Posted on Monday, Jan 20, 2003 - 9:39 pm:
Thanks, Annette . . . . I tried to download it, but I can't open it because I don't have the right program to view pdf files (or so the little box told me). Can you copy the article into an e-mail and send it to hollysjubilee@hotmail.com? Thank you, Holly
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Tuesday, Jan 21, 2003 - 6:23 am:
We have discussed this several times before so you should run a search. Note iodine should not be used, just povidone (betadine). The mixture actually originated in human hospitals and has been used in the treatment of burns and some types of wound. Besides being strongly antimicrobial, it is mild to tissues, promotes drainage, and easy tissue debridement. I have never used it for thrush but if you are willing to put up with the mess and bandaging it should be effective. See article for my recomendations. Salt on the other hand would be very painful. DrO
Member: Hwood
Posted on Wednesday, Jan 22, 2003 - 8:48 pm:
Hi, Dr. O., Thank you . . . .I tried to run a search using "sugardine," and only found one other question about it . . . I wondered about salt because when there is a deep laceration, saline is used to clean it, and salt also dries up wet areas, so thought it might help in drying out an abcess or thrush. If I should run the search using something other than "sugardine," could you or someone else give me a hint? . . . . pretty please? Thanks Holly
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Friday, Jan 24, 2003 - 6:59 am:
I see your logic, and it does make a kind-of sense. The problem of a salt pack is one of salt concentration. While saline is physiologically balanced, placing straight salt even cut with betadine ointment would just be painful and probably tissue toxic. Try betadine and sugar that produces 5 discussions for me. DrO
Member: Jojo15
Posted on Friday, Jan 24, 2003 - 4:09 pm:
To view a pdf file download acrobat reader... You can find it at www.adobe.com and do a search for "Acrobat Reader". You should have this on your puter for future reference. joj
Member: Hwood
Posted on Friday, Jan 24, 2003 - 6:46 pm:
Thanks, Jojo, I did try to download it when Annette gave me the link to AFJ, but my computer said I needed some kind of browser or something or other . . . . I'm kinda computer illiterate, I'm afraid . . . It's a whole other kind of "animal" than I'm used to dealing with. Holly