Discussion on Chip on navicular bone
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New Member: Karenash
Posted on Monday, Feb 3, 2003 - 12:57 pm:
My 6 yr old gelding was diagnosed with Navicular SynDrOme. Lameness of 2/5 in RF, 3/5 in LF. Radiographs also showed a fragment off of the lateral aspect of the navicular bone on the LF. I've tried wedged shoes, aluminum shoes with wedged pads, rolled toes and all the standard meds including: isoxiprine, Adequan, cosequin/conDrOitin, not yet steroids (wanted to avoid as much as possible)haved used bute only sparingly...he is still lame in circles and when hooves grow out...and in reviewing the vets original findings... My question: could the fragment have caused his problems and could this fragment be removed? Are there any success stories re: removal of fragments out there?
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Tuesday, Feb 4, 2003 - 6:58 am:
Without seeing the size and location of the fragment I really cannot answer your questions Karen but in general, no, these fragments are not removed. Access is difficult and prognosis not that good: remember the foot without a fragment is lame also. To get a definitive answer/prognosis you should have the radiographs sent to a equine orthopedic surgeon. DrO
Member: Karenash
Posted on Tuesday, Feb 4, 2003 - 11:26 pm:
Thank you for your response and recommendations. When is it advisable to get a "scan" and how does that differ from radiographs? Do small fragments cause pain (generally) and could the other foot be tender as a result of compensation? I will have the radiographs checked by an equine orthopedic surgeon....thanks again.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Wednesday, Feb 5, 2003 - 8:22 am:
No I don't think compensation is likely to be the cause of the pain on the opposite foot. Whether the fragment is causing pain will depend on its location and mobility. Scans are helpful in further localizing pain but are often not diagnostic for specific diease states (see » Equine Diseases » Lameness » Foot and Sole Problems » Navicular Disease / SynDrOme for more on scans and all other aspects of navicular disease). Right off the top of my head I am not sure what help you are going to get from the scan if you already know the pain blocks out to the foot. DrO
Member: Karenash
Posted on Thursday, Feb 6, 2003 - 10:56 pm:
Can you tell me whether navicular chips can be painful and whether the body coats them with calcium?
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Friday, Feb 7, 2003 - 7:49 am:
Yes to the first question and no to the second. DrO