Discussion on Thrush treatment
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New Member: Nitro
Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 - 2:39 pm:
Dear Dr. Oglesby: Thrushbuster does contain formaldehyde, in fact the ingredients listed are: water, isopropanel formalin, PVP, iodine complex and Gentian Violet. My horse has thrush in the cleft of the frog and my farrier pared out all the rotted horn, afterwhich it showed no signs of exposed sensitive tissue, but was rather deep. He recommended that I clean the cleft of the frog once a day for 3 weeks with a piece of twine with a knot in the center and use it like dental floss to clean the frog--then roll up a piece of cotton and put Thrushbuster on it and tamp it down inside the frog to keep it medicated,covered and clean. My question is this--is it safe to use Thrushbuster everyday (for this purpose) for 3 weeks? Thank you.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 2:46 am:
Yes. DrO
Member: Bonita
Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 7:25 am:
Sharon, Thrushbuster is GREAT! I've used it for years with great success when wet conditions produced some thrushy episodes in my guys. Although my situation is different from yours, what's nice about Thrushbuster is that for a run-of-the-mill case of thrush (not deep-seated like yours) one shot of this stuff usually takes care of it with no repeats necessary. I too was concerned about the formaldehyde at first, but like Dr. O, my vet said the small amount used topically was not an issue - it's not like you're making the horse DRINK it - lol!
Member: Nitro
Posted on Saturday, May 17, 2003 - 12:30 pm:
Thank you Dr. O, and thank you Bonita. The information and support from this website is awesome. Happy Trails, Sharon