Discussion on Crepitus from injury to upper leg
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New Member: Nshull
Posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 5:32 pm:
I don't know if I'm in the correct place to post this question or not. I have a horse on my farm that was kicked in the upper forearm yesterday. He developed cerpitus under the skin of most of the right side of his body from the girth foward. I had the vet here right away because he was in so much pain. He is stall rested, the limb Xrayed and antibotics started. We are giving Baytril once a day. I can't find anything about crepitus on this site or elsewhere. Can someone give me some info on how serious this is or what to expect. My vet is very good just wasn't as talkative as I would have liked. Though the horse that he got in a fight with was also hurt so we had our hands full. Thank you in advance.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2003 - 6:31 am:
Crepitus is a physical finding of subcutanous gas. It is very distinctive: the affected areas are swollen and when you run your hand over them there is a "crackling" feeling to the swelling. There are several ways gas can get under the skin: 1) a wound can act like a one way valve: sucking in air but not allowing it back out. 2) some types of bacteria release gas, this may be particularly true of some serious clostridial infections. If the gas formed just after the injury this was not enough time for infection to get established and you probably have the first case. Once the wound starts to close the crepitus goes away and usually causes no problems. Good pressure bandaging may help slow down the intake while waiting for the wound to begin closing. DrO
Member: Nshull
Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 - 10:54 am:
Thank you for your answer. I feel a little better about this. The horse is feeling better. Today is exactly 7 days and the crepitus doesn't feel as if it's gone down much. The vet is due today or tomorrow to redo the Xrays to look for a hairline fracture. How long does it usually take to bring down the crepitus? Will turning him out make it worse or better?
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 - 9:33 pm:
The crepitus goes away when the wound heals enough for it to quit acting like a one way valve: so it depends on the size and nature of the wound. Also it is hard to predict if exercise might lessen or worsen the problem, again it would depend on the nature of the wound. AFter your vet examines the horse he may have better answers. DrO