Discussion on Bone chip from being kicked...
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Member: Madame
Posted on Friday, Aug 1, 2003 - 1:57 pm:
Hi, My horse has been kicked on the forearm. It left an open wound which was about skin deep with a slight limp. I went out on vacation with my horse not noticing the slight limp... I rode her the first day she was limping a bit but not too badly. At night she developped a swelling. I hosed it down and gave her bute and applied argile. 2 days after the swelling was really bad. I called my vet he prescribed antibiotics he thought the wound had infected. 3 days later the swelling went down. After 10 days of antibiotics the swelling was all gone except for a hard bump on the knee and a hard part around the scar. I called the vet in. From x-rays the vet said it was a bone chip on the forearm with a suros (french word don't know what it is in english... I think it is a calcium deposit...) He says the bump on the knee is a bruise with blood in it... He says time and rest... But I'm scared... What are the prognosis on such bruises?
New Member: firefly
Posted on Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 - 8:45 pm:
Dr.O, Could you respond to this last posting? My mare had a similar situation and I'd like to know what you think. Thank you, Michele
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Sunday, Feb 18, 2007 - 11:21 am:
Michele, if you will post your request in a new discussion with the details of your circumstances I will be glad to respond, I must have missed Claudetts post earlier and will delete this empty discussion in a few days. DrO