Discussion on When to Ride
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Member: Marypat
Posted on Wednesday, Oct 15, 2003 - 11:17 am:
My 20 year old mare foundered on Memorial day. The degrees of rotation were 9 and 10. She is now doing very well. She is an older Arab and she is Insulin resistant. The vet ran a blood test on her. At the beginning she was 158 and is now down to 53. She is on an herb mixture which seems to be working. My question is how long should I wait before doing any work with her. I really need some guidelines. How long does it normally take for the feet to grow out? Can these horses go back to doing their usual work? We only trail ride now. Not hard. Anyway, I know you don't know the horse but just some concrete general guidelines would really be helpful. Thanks, Marylee
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Thursday, Oct 16, 2003 - 6:09 am:
Hello Marylee, The article gives some specific quidelines on times and prognosis, look towards the bottom of the page under the heading, Treatment after the Pain Has Gone. But as you allude to in your post we do not know your horse. But we also do not know your horses feet, farrier, or even exactly what you mean by starting back to work. So our concrete suggestion is to get your vet and farrier together and develop a plan to attempt to put the horse back into work using the quideines in the article. Go slow and watch carefully for set backs. DrO