Discussion on Difficult with Breathing
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New Member: campr2
Posted on Monday, Jun 4, 2007 - 1:13 pm:
Hi, I hope Dr. O or someone can help me. My horse is flaring his nostrils when he is breathing, even at rest. He has rapid breathing anywhere from 12-32 BPM resting and even at the lower number he's still flaring his nostrils like its hard to breath. This has been going on for over a year and it was even higher then. It's a little better than it was a few months ago when he'd gotten a high fever. Upon taking blood tests it was shown he had all the symptoms of a viral infection so he was put on antibiotics and since then his energy level is back to normal. He was a bit dull and scruffy looking so we put him on 1 scoop of Platinum Plus daily and now looks great but this breathing problem is still there. Also the blood tests showed his WBC and RBC were both low but his lungs were clear and his heart strong. I plan on another blood test to check his blood counts to make sure he's back to normal later this month. Now we did have a fire in my area a few years ago and the smoke and soot were pretty bad so we are wondering if this problem with breathing could be connected. He didn't develop this until after those fires. The vet's unsure at this time but thinks it may be COPD but doesn't feel its bad enough to give him steroids. What else can I give him? I have heard that a product called DMG 3600 is good for this. Anyone have any experience with this or know anything about it? If this breathing problem continues to go untreated will it get worse or cause other problems? I'm very concerned and want to do what best for him. He gets Timothy & orchard grass & a 3 way oat/wheat/barly hay (about 16# per day), 1-1/2" alfalfa pellets, salt and PP. And now Im thinking that DMG might help him.Also he seems to have a reaction to bug bites..would a garlic powder like BugOff help or would that have an adverse effect with his RBC? Thanks for any feedback..DJ
Member: canter
Posted on Monday, Jun 4, 2007 - 3:59 pm:
Mason, Welcome to HA. You'll find a wealth of knowledge here and many eager to help with recommendations and ideas. What are your horse's living conditions like. How much turnout & stall time? If he spends time in a stall, what type of bedding is used and is the barn "clean" i.e. dust kept as minimal as possible. Is there a lot of ventilation? I think these are all things that may affect your horse if the conditions aren't optimal and may contribute to breathing problems. Managing this may help the horse. Just a few things to consider.
New Member: campr2
Posted on Monday, Jun 4, 2007 - 6:15 pm:
Hi Fran, He has a 16'x 12' stall with rubber mats that I sweep 1-2 times a day. Its not enclosed but has bars from 1/2 way up except on the side..then theres another 12 x 12 next to him thats the same way. His hay put in different places. The Timothy in the corner wooden feeder, the O/W/B in a large rubber feeder in the stall and the orchard in the arena in another large rubber feeder. I sweep out the feeders everyday to. He also has a paddock that is 12 x 28' and also the gates open to the whole arena which is 100 x 120 24/7 so hes free to come to the barn in and out as he pleases. He has water in several places (auto, barrel, etc.) so he will move around more. THere are shavings in the paddock area were he urinates but other than that he sleeps in the arena where he wants to. I do have a fan in the stall but only use it when I'm there, and theres no dust flying around. The arena does get a bit dusty though..so I do need to water it more. Im not sure of anymore I can do in this area..but please let me know what you think. And thanks for the welcome here. I really like the fact I can get and read reliable info.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Monday, Jun 4, 2007 - 8:02 pm:
Hello Mason, I am concerned there is not a definitive diagnosis and your description is not clearly COPD. DiMethylGlycine therapy is without any merit even if the problem is COPD. Important questions I don't see addressed: 1) Other than rate and nostril flare, does his respiration look normal, unlabored, and quiet? 2) Is the breath coming out of both nostrils the same? 3) On auscultation how do his lungs sound? 4) What is his heart rate and how does his heart sound? For much more on what COPD looks like and treatment options, and management see Diseases of Horses » Respiratory System » Heaves & Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. DrO
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