Discussion on Coronet band bruising
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Member: sunny66
Posted on Monday, Jun 11, 2007 - 11:44 pm:
Do I need to do anything for this bruise on his coronet band or just let it be? I don't know if you can tell from the pictures, but it's pretty red.
I can push on it and not get a reaction, he appears to be walking ok. Not ideal, but we went to a bodywork clinic so I could learn how to help him more. While he had boots and pads on the whole time, the arena we were in was rock hard, no soft ground for five hours... just standing, barely any walking even...He also somehow got a small rock lodged in his frog with the boots on. If his behavior is any indication, it was lodged for about 1.5 hours until I got home and got the boots off, you can sort of see the indentation in the middle of his frog near the heel in the second picture...don't know if this has anything to do with it or not... he was very very sore when he got home and the next day. Leaving the soft ground for only about an hour. Thanks in advance for any input.
Member: scooter
Posted on Tuesday, Jun 12, 2007 - 7:45 am:
Aileen was that caused by the boots? That's why I don't like to leave Hanks on too long, but I have left them on for 12 hrs. a day for awhile. When I do that I usually rap his up his hoof and leg with vet rap and put baby powder all over it. It really helped. I don't know what you should do about the bruising, always something isn't it? Good Luck
Member: sunny66
Posted on Tuesday, Jun 12, 2007 - 10:21 am:
Thank you Diane, I don't think it was caused by the boots, he has them on from 6 am to 1 pm usually, but maybe the rock? who knows... no heat this morning, so I think I'll just watch it and let it be unless someone says differently. And yes, always something...