Discussion on Founder
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Member: Miki9009
Posted on Thursday, Jan 22, 2004 - 1:02 pm:
Dr. O-- My 14 yr old arab just recently foundered approx 3 weeks ago. He was treated very quickly and aggressively by my vet(who I might add has been wonderful throughout this whole ordeal!). We had xrays taken approx 1 week after the initial onset and found that he had some rotation of his coffin bone but no sinking. He has been on stall rest along with having some changes to his feet that include pads/heel lifts/ egg bars put on. We also just drew blood work for cushings. Is there a typicial time frame for their hooves to remain warm before they return back to not having heat in them? Also he still has a slightly increased digital pulse. How long does that typically last? We had hoped to have him weaned off of bute by now, but when he was taken off he became more painful and is back on it. From the reading I have done every horse is different and it make take weeks or months to get him off of it. I am concerned about long term use of bute, but from all the reading I have been doing, it seems to be the drug of choice. Any words of wisdom on this? Thanks!!!!
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Friday, Jan 23, 2004 - 8:36 am:
There is no typical time Signe and every case has to be treated individually. If the horse is sound you can begin lowering the dose slowly over time. I usually reduce it by thirds and then give it 4 or 5 days. If he remains sound I reduce it again. It the feet remain distinctly hot I might continue it out a bit longer at lower doses but lameness is your most reliable indication of ongoing disease. DrO