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Discussion on Depression, fever, muscle atrophy, weight loss | |
Author | Message |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - 12:33 pm: About 2-3 weeks ago we noticed that Yogi was acting depressed, and had a little weight loss, but he could lose a little weight and not really miss it. It stayed that way until about a week ago and he started going downhill fast. He has muscle wasting (confirmed with blood test - don't know what test, and visually very apparent), and severe weight loss and temp 102 and swollen hocks. One week ago he had lost 100 lbs in a month (we know because he was weighed at the vet's office.) The vet saw him last week and was very disturbed, thought ulcers, maybe ??? Also temp was 102. Put him on U-Guard and drew blood. NSF except test that showed muscle wasting and low white blood cell count. We increased his grain but he kept losing weight (another 10 lbs in 5 days). He is very depressed, appetite OK but not great. His hocks started swelling on Saturday. He is at the vet hospital and getting IV tetracycline - vet thinking Lyme, but not sure. But he is in such bad shape he didn't want to wait for test to come back. Drew blood again and everything ok except white blood cell again (don't have report so don't have numbers yet). Will have to wait for Lyme titer test. He will consult with Texas A&M if Yogi doesn't improve in the next day or so.Have read articles in different sections because his symptoms are covered in a few sections, not just fever. Do these symptoms ring a bell with anyone? DrO? We are very worried about him since he has deteriorated so quickly. Thanks, Kathleen |
Member: hwood |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - 1:07 pm: Kathleen, so sorry to hear about Yogi. What a cutie he is . . . such a loveable guy. Glad he is at the vet's where he can get instant care.Waiting anxiously to hear more about his diagnosis and treatment. |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - 2:48 pm: I made a mistake in my original post - his white cell count was increased, not low.Holly, yes we're glad the vet decided to keep him there. I feel he's getting the best care possible. Kathleen |
Member: qh4me |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - 4:02 pm: Kathleen,Sending many healing thoughts Yogi's way. I hope they get him feeling better and he is back home with you soon, happy and healthy! |
Member: zarr |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - 7:21 pm: Kathleen, by now you know I feel in love with Yogi a long time back ! If wishes and prayers could heal in an instant Yogi would be fine, NOW, but will pray all the more til he is well again! This is the prayer I sent to Libby ...The sage is's prayer do heed... to heal with strength for those in need...we join our hearts.. our souls, our hopes for heavens strength and love to cope .... Cindy |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - 7:28 pm: Depression, weight loss and muscle wasting, low grade fever, elevated WBC count, bilateral swelling in the hocks. Certainly first impressions are inflammatory disorders and possibly some toxins right now it is hard to say more than that. Could you list the tests that were done including the normals, the results including the units, and the normals for your lab? How about respiration and heart rate? Gum color? Capillary refill time? Exposure to anything unusual?DrO |
Member: sunny66 |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 22, 2007 - 3:50 pm: Sending positive healing thoughts to Yogi and strength to you, Kathleen! |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 22, 2007 - 5:43 pm: DrO,These are the tests run: Test-----------Results-------Ref Range---Units AST (SGOT)-----163 (low)-----180-570-----IU/L Tot Bilirubin--2.6 (high)----0.1-2.5-----mg/dL Alk Phosphatase--409 (high)--50-300------IU/L GGT------------11------------2-30--------IU/L Tot Protein----6.4-----------5.6-8.0-----g/dL Albumin--------2.5-----------2.2-3.9-----g/dL Globulin-------3.9-----------2.6-5.6-----g/dL A/G RAtio------0.6-----------.05-2.4--------- Cholesterol-----52(low)-------70-150------mg/dL BUN------------12------------10-25-------mg/dL Creatinine-----1.0 (low)-----1.2-2.0-----mg/dL BUN/Creat Ratio--12----------5-21------------- Phosphorus-----2.3-----------2.0-5.6-----mg/dL Calcium--------11.7----------10.0-13.7---mg/dL Glucose--------52 (low)------70-120------mg/dL Sodium---------135-----------130-146-----mEq/L Potassium------4.0-----------3-5---------mEq/L Na/K Ratio-----34------------24-58------- Chloride-------97------------95-110------mEq/L CPK------------34------------20-500------IU/L LDH------------299-----------150-450-----IU/L WBC------------13.0 (high)---5.5-12.5---10to3rd/uL RBC------------7.7-----------6.5-10.5---10to6th/uL HGB-----------12.7-----------11.0-19.0---g/dL HCT------------37------------35-52-------% MCV------------48------------34-58-------fL MCH------------16.6----------12.3-19.7---pg MCHC-----------34------------31-37-------% Comment RBC morphology normal DIFFERENTIAL---ABSOLUTE---% Neutrophils---11960 (high)-92--2700-6700--/uL Lymphocytes---910 (low)-----7--1500-5500--/uL Monocytes-----130-----------1-----0-800---/uL Eosinophils-----0-----------0-----0-800---/uL Basophils-------0-----------0-----0-170---/uL Platelet Estimate Adequate Cap refill time - normal Gum color - good Resp and heart rate - ?? Thanks Kathleen |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 22, 2007 - 5:49 pm: Kathleen, I was so hoping Yogi would be feeling better by now. I'll keep those good thoughts going for both of you. |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 22, 2007 - 5:50 pm: I missed a test -Fibrinogen (Semi-Quantitative) Fibrinogen, Semi-Quant---100---100-400 mg/dl |
Member: pbauer |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 22, 2007 - 6:13 pm: Kathleen,I'm very sorry to hear about "our" Yogi! He is such a wonderful boy...he gets that from his mother ![]() I don't know if I ever told you,(before I knew much about you)...I was looking at your profile, and fell in love with the picture you have posted of Yogi and Mona. In fact, I put it in my favorite pictures file! All of you are in my thoughts and prayers...Annie, too. ![]() Love, Tonya |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 22, 2007 - 9:29 pm: Thanks everyone. The vet has changed the antibiotic to Doxycycline in pill form so Yogi is coming home tomorrow. He was getting antibiotic IV thus staying at the hospital. He still looks like we have starved him and his appetite is just so so. His temp is down to normal and he seemed just a bit brighter today. We're hoping that the antibiotic will bring him around. It is supposed to work better on internal abscesses in case that is what is going on, but will still help with Lyme if that is the case. Still don't really know what is wrong with him. Wish him luck. DrO, any more ideas? How can he have swollen joints and low normal fibrinogen results?Kathleen |
Member: dres |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 22, 2007 - 9:37 pm: ![]() |
Member: ajudson1 |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 22, 2007 - 10:15 pm: Sending healing thoughts and prayers for Yogi. Take care of yourself too. |
Member: canter |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 23, 2007 - 7:58 am: Wishing you and Yogi all the best, Kathleen. I hope you find answers and that he'll soon be home, healthy and happy. |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 23, 2007 - 8:20 am: Kathleen you write out all that lab work but leave out the two most important pieces of information, maybe the only really important pieces of information: your horses respiration and heart rate. These need to be documented and kept track of as long as disease is ongoing.I don't see any obvious problems in the above blood work other than the evaluation that this appears to be an inflammatory disorder because of the high neutrophils, low lymphocytes. The low glucose is most often an artifact of the blood being stored for a period before submitted to the lab, a common and sometimes unavoidable problem with field work. The fibrinogen level is very time sensitive in all the tests I am aware of. I wonder about the accuracy of these two results and the fibrinogen level can help differentiate chronic inflammatory disorders from acute. It should be noted that clinical signs from Lymes disease is not a established entitiy and so far experiments have found that while horses contract and shed the organism, no one has been able to produce clinical disease, other than possibly a mild fever in immune crippled subjects, in a horse by infecting them in the laboratory using infected ticks. DrO |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 23, 2007 - 9:31 am: We are picking Yogi up this morning and I will ask the vet what Yogi's resp and heart rate have been. We understand about Lyme but I think that Yogi looked so bad that he decided to try antibiotic rather than wait for results that might or might not tell us anything. He thought maybe Lyme because of all the deer living on the property and a little wishful thinking. That's my take on the situation. He also mentioned internal abscess and he talked to a doc at Texas A&M and he mentioned some things. Can't remember everything because we talked about so many things that I would need a tape recorder or a secretary to remember it all. Tumor was discussed as well as other things. A trip to A&M and possibly spending the national debt and also that it is possible that we may find something that we cannot do anything about, was discussed also. Will update you and resp and heart rate ASAP.Kathleen |
Member: frances |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 23, 2007 - 10:37 am: I wish you and Yogi all the very best Kathleen. I'm sure he'll be happy to be home - it must be a fairly good sign that the vet is releasing him and doesn't feel he needs to be under observation? Positive thoughts coming your way. |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 23, 2007 - 2:58 pm: DrOresp when admitted on Monday were 35, heart rate normal. Both have remained normal since the second day. The blood tests above were from 8/21. The first tests were run 8/16. The differences of note were (and I realize that some may not be significant): 8/16 - Neutrophils - 8787 8/21 - Neutrophils - 11960 8/16 - Lymphocytes - 909 8/21 - Lymphocytes - 910 8/16 - Monocytes - 202 8/21 - Monocytes - 130 8/16 - Fibrinogen - 200 8/21 - Fibrinogen - 100 8/16 - WBC - 10.1 8/21 - WBC - 13.0 All other values were pretty much the same. Temp has ranged between 102.2 to 99.6. Today was 100.0. Was on 1 gm bute on Monday and Tuesday. Also something not noted above was that he also had swollen front fetlocks when admitted on Monday. |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Friday, Aug 24, 2007 - 6:46 am: The elevated respiratory rate seems to mirror the fever as it often does. The now normal vital signs and the relatively normal lab findings on the organ tests don't suggest serious disease and perhaps this was just a transient infection. I have my fingers crossed but the weight loss remains worrisome...has anyone done a abdominal fluid tap for a sample of peritoneal fluid? It is a simple procedure that can yield evidence for abdominal abscesses, abdominal cancer, and a condition known as chronic active peritonitis that may present as above though usually I would expect more change on the hemogram. For chronic inflammatory disease blood fibrinogen remains one the better indicators but this test should be performed within 30 minutes of taking the sample, was this done while at the hospital?You can read more about 2 types of internal abscessing diseases in the articles on Bastard Strangles and Pigeon Fever. There is more on diagnosing weight loss in the article Diseases of Horses » Colic, Diarrhea, GI Tract » Weight Loss in Horses » Overview of Chronic Weight Loss. DrO |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Friday, Aug 24, 2007 - 7:40 pm: The thoracocentesis has not been done to my knowledge. I will ask my vet about it. The blood tests were sent off to be done and we had results the next day, so don't know how long before they were at the lab. The vet who did the last surgery on Yogi's eye does their own bloodwork and I can take him there if it is important to get the fibrinogen test done. I will read the articles, and thank you for your input. Yogi is eating a little better and looks like he is feeling a little better. Not the old Yogi yet though, he still doesn't feel good and his joints are still swollen. Should he be on bute or something else for the joint swelling?And now to top this whole thing off, Yogi did something to his good eye overnight and is holding it shut and there is some white gunk in the outside corner of the eye. Can see a spot on his lower eyelid that looks like a scrape, so hope that is all it is. Can't see anything wrong with the eye itself, but I am not an expert at looking at eyes. If it's not better in a couple of days, back to the vet he goes. |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 10:02 am: Update.This morning Yogi is running a fever of 104.4, resp 44, HR 60. Vet said give in 1 gm bute and call him again in 3 hours. He did say that this isn't good, which I figured out all by my little self (just my attempt at humor). Have to try to keep things in perspective and not worry so much and just get things done (that's a note to myself). |
Member: scooter |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 10:06 am: Kathleen sorry to hear that. I hope Yogi feels better soon and it is nothing serious. |
Member: hwood |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 10:55 am: Just saw your post, Kathleen, and I want you to know that I am waiting on pins and needles with you. If it's something toxic in his system, I hope the vet can figure it out and give him just the right medication. He must feel awful . . . and I know you do, too. I have a knot in my stomach all day when my guys are ill . . . and I can feel a knot in my stomach thinking about Yogi. |
Member: ngossage |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 11:05 am: Kathleen, sending positive thoughts your & Yogi's way. Hang in there. Hope to hear good news soon.Nicole |
Member: zarr |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 11:42 am: Yogi, your mom is very worried about you so you need to help her! You need to be strong and brave and fight this trouble with all that you have .So many of us here are trying to help with all the strength and love we can send, get well fast Yogi so your mom doesn't have to worry anymore! Love Cindy |
Member: suzym |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 11:49 am: I'm holding my breath. I've been where you are, so I know only too well what you're going through. The waiting is almost unbearable.I will be thinking about you and Yogi. Suzy |
Member: lilo |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 1:42 pm: Sending positive and hopefully healing thoughts to Yogi. Hoping he will fight it off - with your help and the vet's help.Lilo |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 2:15 pm: Thanks everyone,Yogi's temp is down to 102 and I am to take it tonight to make sure it has not spiked again. If is has I am to give him bute again. His hocks are getting more swollen and look painful (don't really know if they are). The vet mentioned that he may have a tumor and that finding it may be a bit of a problem. Let's hope he can just fight his way through this, he has always been so strong. Luckily he still has an appetite and is eating almost all of what we give him. Thanks again Kathleen |
Member: hwood |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 2:59 pm: Kathleen, does the vet think that ice boots might help? If you can get his circulation moving in his lets . . .Wish you could lay him on his back with his feet up to let them drain . . . |
Member: shirl |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 3:01 pm: Kathleen,Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. Will light a candle for you and Yogi. Shirl |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 3:12 pm: Holly, the vet hasn't mentioned them, I will ask when I talk to him again. That's quite a site with Yogi on his back with his legs in the air!! |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 25, 2007 - 7:03 pm: Kathleen, are his lower legs swollen entirely, or his fetlocks and hocks, or just his hocks? I'm sure you've read on this site everything about swellings. I know the horse we had that had a reaction to hoary allisium (at least that was the best diagnosis the vet and we could come up with) got swollen legs. Also, horses with pupura hemographica (sp?) get swollen legs and a fever. Just, like you, am really wondering what is going on with him. People get a type of arthritis that will cause swellings, fever and pain in the joints and muscles. I would think such an inflamation would show in a blood test though.Good luck with him. Tell Yogi he has a lot of fans out here that just think he's the cutest thing going and he'd better shape up and get better! |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 8:43 am: Kathleen what is the characteristics of this joint swelling? Is it firm or soft and fluid like? Is it around the joints or the joint capsule itself that is swollen?DrO |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 9:00 am: DrOThe vet said the swelling is in the joint capsule. It is fairly soft, but does not pit. He had a fever of 103.4 last night and I gave him bute. Going out now to check his temp. My husband fed him this morning and said he was showing no interest in his grain. Kathleen |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 9:26 am: His temp is normal, but he has swelling on the left side of his face from his eye socket, the one that was enucleated, down to centerline of the jaw underneath and from cheekbone to throatlatch. Doesn't seem painful but he won't open his mouth. He is hungry and goes from one pile of hay to another but hasn't taken a bite. Vet will be back in town at 2:00 and I am to take Yogi to the clinic at that time. He mentioned that we may be getting to the bottom of this, but didn't expound on it. Will know more later. |
Member: suzym |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 11:19 am: I sure hope you get some answers, Kathleen. I'll keep my fingers crossed.Suzy |
Member: christel |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 11:52 am: Kathleen, I too hope you get an answer this afternoon. Wonder if your vet is thinking- strangles?- my first thoughts since he is now swelling in the jaw area. Very curable, I hope it is something along those lines.Positive thoughts- headed your way. Chris |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 1:02 pm: Chris,I was thinking about strangles also. That would be a blessing at this point. I wonder if swollen joints goes along with strangles. Also where would he have picked it up. The only time he is off the property is to go to the vet. Wish him luck. Kathleen |
Member: vickiann |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 2:59 pm: Hope things get better soon, Kathleen. |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 6:28 pm: Not good news. We took Yogi to the vet today and he will stay there and get steroids and baytril as a last ditch effort. Vet pretty sure it is autoimmune disorder. It is attacking his good eye now. He said he doesn't feel good about the outcome.Kathleen |
Member: zarr |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 6:49 pm: Beyond sorrow , but still praying so very hard! Cindy |
Member: sunny66 |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 7:05 pm: Thinking of you (((((Kathleen))))) |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 7:33 pm: I so hope that isn't the case, Kathleen. He is a fighter, you know that from past experience. Don't give up on him until you have to - I know you won't. Hugs and prayers to you both. |
Member: hpyhaulr |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 7:41 pm: Kathleen,You have had such remarkable struggles with Yogi. you both deserve the best outcome possible. I am adding my hopes and prayers with everyone else's for you both. Keep the faith, for you AND for Yogi. Thank you for keeping us posted. |
Member: hwood |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 7:50 pm: You and Yogi are in my heart, Kathleen.I don't understand how he could get an autoimmune disorder . . . but I hope that there is some test that the vet will think of that can help give more information and that he will have the wisdom to know the treatment. |
Member: ajudson1 |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 8:46 pm: I am so sorry that you are going through this Kathleen. I hope they figure out what it is and before it's too late for Yogi. |
Member: suzym |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 26, 2007 - 8:56 pm: Kathleen ~ Please believe that you and Yogi will never be far from my thoughts. This is so much like what I went through with DJ... I am crying as I am posting this.All my love, hopes and prayers are with you and Yogi. Suzy |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Monday, Aug 27, 2007 - 7:03 am: I do not consider the symptoms above consistent with Strangles though internal abscesses from strangles a possibility.The joint swelling, is it bilaterally symmetrical or just here and there? Along with thoracocentesis consider checking the joint fluid also to help with a cause. If symptoms are continuing to worsen I would consider changing antibiotics and following 3 days if no improvement would consider the use of steroids along with the antibiotic. I would be giving flunixin once or twice daily for fever and appetite. It may be a little more effective than the bute. DrO |
Member: canter |
Posted on Monday, Aug 27, 2007 - 8:04 am: Kathleen,Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best for Yogi. |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Monday, Aug 27, 2007 - 8:13 am: DrOHe is on steroids and Baytril as of yesterday. The joint swelling is bilaterally symmetrical. Kathleen |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Monday, Aug 27, 2007 - 8:16 am: I forgot to add that his temp was normal yesterday. |
Member: frances |
Posted on Monday, Aug 27, 2007 - 9:46 am: Oh Kathleen, this is heartbreaking for you. I hope so much that he pulls through. |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 28, 2007 - 9:06 am: Yogi has lost the sight in his one good eye. Vet hopes it is temporary. He has something fibrous inside his eye. He has an injury to the eyelid, don't know what exactly is causing the fibres in his eye. He is so confused and doesn't know where to walk and is running into his small paddock fence at the hospital. We took him for a walk and groomed him and let him eat some grass. He is very trusting of humans. He was feeling better yesterday but I understand that he is not out of the woods yet. Please send as much positive energy to help his eye as you can. |
Member: frances |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 28, 2007 - 10:50 am: The poor thing. Do you remember a very interesting post about a year ago, about an elderly mare who had been blind for some time, and then became stone deaf too? The owner used scent such as lavender (volatile oils I think) which she put on herself (the horse in this case couldn't hear her approach), the stable door, the fencing etc etc - different aromas for different places, and it enabled the mare to find her way around and be more confident.Maybe something like that could help Yogi until he hopefully regains the sight in his good eye? |
Member: suzym |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 28, 2007 - 11:00 am: You can count on all the positive energy I can muster up, Kathleen. The waiting is SO hard.Keep us posted. Suzy |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 28, 2007 - 11:04 am: Poor sweet Yogi! Kathleen, did you ever read the posts on HA about using fragraces to guide a blind horse? Some time ago there was quite a discussion on working with blind horses. Do a search on HA using "blind horses" and there are several discussions that come up. I was thinking that fragrances might help Yogi orientate in his stall while he can't see. |
Member: sunny66 |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 28, 2007 - 11:40 am: Third vote for scents!! I am sending you and Yogi positive healing thoughts! |
Member: zarr |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 28, 2007 - 5:19 pm: Don't forget the story of the blind mare and her friend who wore the bell so she never got lost. There are sooooooooo many bells here for Yogi if he should need them ! Kathleen Yogi is wise and very intelligent if need be blindness would not hinder him , especially with you by his side to teach and help. May that be a far off lesson! Cindy |
Member: canter |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 28, 2007 - 6:45 pm: oh, Kathleen, I hope so much that this blindness in the one eye is temporary. If it is not, then I know you will help him adjust and he will be OK.Thinking of you both~ Fran |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 29, 2007 - 6:54 am: Kathleen is the eye problem considered independent of the systemic problem?DrO |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 29, 2007 - 7:28 am: I don't think so, but I'll ask the vet when we go to see Yogi today. I believe he said it is another part of the auto immune problem. There was injury to his lower eyelid though, so I'm not sure. The yellow is receding, but the pupil is still constricted.What are a horse's chances of recovering from an auto immune disorder with Yogi's symptoms? He is eating approximately 6x the amount of grain as before this started and still continued to lose weight and muscle tone. The vet said yesterday that he is eating well and is brighter, not so depressed and learning to move around in the small pen. Kathleen |
Member: lilo |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 29, 2007 - 9:51 am: Kathleen - good luck! Here is hoping Yogi will be able to fight this! He seems to be at a good place.I know of a case of severe equine sarcoidosis that was treated with steroids and the horse did recover and is fine now. I don't know if that is considered an autoimmune disease. Positive and healing thoughts, Lilo |
Member: cheryl |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 29, 2007 - 10:26 am: Ah Kathleen - I pray Yogi recovers his sight - but if he shouldn't - blind horses learn to do very well - it just takes a little thought on your part to make sure he knows his surroundings well. I was involved in a rescue of a Walker stallion that was blinded from a blow to the head - it meant to kill him. He was ridden - was used for breeding - and was given turn-out in a small pasture - the rescue actually had two other horses that were blind - from neglect of eye infections. They had a goat companion that stayed with them - they all three got along fine.If Yogi is permanently blind - just remember - he will adapt a lot more easily than you will. Cheryl K |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 30, 2007 - 6:20 pm: Well, Yogi appears to feel good, is getting around his pen nicely, is eating everything they give him (I think about 7-8 lbs grain and alfalfa), yet he continues to lose approx 3-4 lbs a day. What is going on? He doesn't seem to be in any pain, he's bright and eager to move around. We took him out to graze yesterday and he wanted to walk, so we let him. He walked all over the clinic property and grazed and walked some more and grazed and walked for a total of an hour and still had plenty of energy. Why is he still losing so much weight and how much can he afford to lose. He now weighs 717 lbs. Before he got sick he weighed 850-860. He is 13.3 hands tall and medium build with good bone. He is beginning to look like the horses that are taken away from people who don't feed their horses.DrO - is there a test for cancer? I forgot to ask the vet if he did the thoracocentesis. Is that a blood test or something like an abdominal tap? I will write myself a note and ask him tomorrow when I talk to him. Thanks for everyone's help. Kathleen |
Member: scooter |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 30, 2007 - 8:01 pm: Kathleen I am glad to hear Yogi is feeling better. The weight loss is alot. Is it possible to get him on more grass or maybe a complete feed with more fat. Hoping it's nothing serious and just the stress he's going thru. |
Member: zarr |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 30, 2007 - 9:48 pm: Kathleen, dumb question but thyroid/metabolic problems checked? Read chart but light bulbs didn't turn on for me so if that's in there forget I asked!Somehow a blend of Hank and Ellie and Yogi and be ideal then none of us moms would have to worry so ......![]() |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 30, 2007 - 10:26 pm: Kathleen, I'm glad Yogi is at last feeling better. What is happening with his eye? I too wonder about his continued weight loss. Like Cyndy, thyroid or metabolic things come to mind; cance maybe. Is he on probiotics or prebiotics. Perhaps for some reason he must not be able to use the calories he is getting or to be able to break down the food into the need nutrients; so what would cause that? Hopefully your vet, Dr.O, or maybe someone your vet can confir with will come up with the answer. |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Friday, Aug 31, 2007 - 10:03 am: I wish I could help you with the prognosis Kathleen but not knowing the exact nature of this (autoimmune?) disease it is impossible to prognose accurately. I am afraid until we know more only time will tell us if this is a temporary derangement or something worse. There are no blood tests for cancers other than those that produce abnormal blood cells of course. To diagnose cancer the cancer must be looked for then biopsied, abdominal cancer sometimes can be id'd with. If the cancer is in the thorax or the abdomen and not releasing cells into the fluid so that you can pick it up on abdominocentesis or thoracocentesis, radiography and ultrasound may help. Note that I mis-wrote earlier and you test the peritoneal fluid with thoracocentesis, I must have not had my second cup of coffee, and corrected it above to prevent confusion with others than my read it.DrO |
Member: suzym |
Posted on Friday, Aug 31, 2007 - 9:00 pm: Kathleen ~ When the Purdue large animal hospital was testing DJ for cancer they did abdominocentesis, full body ultrasound and four bone marrow biopsies - twice on the left hip, once on the right hip and in the thorax.Suzy |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - 3:26 pm: We still don't know what is really wrong with Yogi. His sheath and hind legs from just below the hock to the pasterns are swollen now. His weight has stabilized - some good news at least. Had the eye doctor look at his eye yesterday afternoon and he gave us a guarded prognosis that he will get sight back in that eye. I know that many horses live out their lives totally blind, but given the situation of the rest of his body, we may have to make a decision when his quality of life is not good. Right now he is OK (if not a bit confused) and we are not giving up on him. He is a tough little guy and if any horse can get through this, he can.BTW we had to put down our mare Annie yesterday due to a broken elbow. She had cushings and was getting weaker and she was having much trouble getting up and down and just standing - due to the broken elbow. So please send out as much positive thoughts as possible to help get Yogi through this. We don't want to lose another friend. Kathleen |
Member: scooter |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - 3:38 pm: Kathleen, prayers for yogi for a complete recovery and godspeed to condolences. |
Member: canter |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - 4:17 pm: My deepest, sympathies, Kathleen - you have had a tough go of it over the past several weeks, that's for sure I'm so very sorry about Annie and continue to send my best wishes to Yogi. |
Member: pbauer |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - 6:10 pm: Dear Kathleen,Very sorry to hear about, Annie. I'm sure she was as true a companion to you were to her...very loving and devoted. ~ Hoofbeats in Heaven, Horse Loss Support We hope that this site will in some small way help you cope with the pain of losing your horse so that you can feel his spirit live within you once again. ... Still praying for our precious boy, Yogi! Love, Tonya |
Member: vickiann |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - 6:21 pm: So very sorry to hear of all your difficulties, and now your loss of Annie, Kathleen. I certainly hope that Yogi will be doing better soon. Your horses are lovely. |
Member: lilo |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - 6:29 pm: Dear Kathleen - My condolences on losing Annie, and the very best wishes to Yogi. May he feel better soon.Lilo |
Member: zarr |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - 9:15 pm: It has become very hard for me to post about Yogi as I feel like he has somehow become one of my own, my heart horse I guess! I say prayers to the Blue Medicine horse everyday and ask the Lord to take a moment and heal a small bay horse. So sorry for Annie, Tonya is right that is a wonderful if not sad site. Yogi will do what Yogi will do and I'm ever grateful you are there for him! Cindy |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 6, 2007 - 7:42 am: My condolences Kathleen.DrO |
Member: frances |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 6, 2007 - 8:06 am: I am so sorry about the mare you lost, Kathleen, and wish you a good outcome for Yogi. Thinking of you. |
Member: paardex |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 6, 2007 - 10:04 am: I am so sorry you had to loose your Annie on top of your problems with Yogi Kathleen. My condolences to you and best wishes for Yogi.Jos |
Member: lynnea |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 6, 2007 - 2:39 pm: The loss is always so difficult because we pour our hearts and souls into these remarkable creatures and when they are gone, the emptiness leaves us so lonely. But, each time a treasured horse of mine takes their journey to greener pastures, I am comforted by memories of the knowledge I did everything I could to give them the life , the love and the trust they so deserved....and what a small giving it was in return for the memories and teachings they gave me.I am so sorry about Annie.....she was fortunate to have someone who loved her with prayers and hopes for a complete recovery for Yogi....prayers for you too. |
Member: stevens |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 6, 2007 - 2:48 pm: So sorry to hear about Annie.Positive karmic thoughts for Yogi. |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 2:31 pm: Final update.We euthanized Yogi this morning. He was suffering too much physically and was totally blind and very confused. He fought a good battle but in the end whatever was inside him won out. Still don't know exactly what it was, vet thinks probably tumor, but couldn't find it. Thanks to everyone who lent their support during this ordeal, but rest assured that Yogi has joined Annie and he is no longer in pain and will enjoy Annie's company again. Mona will miss him terribly. Kathleen |
Member: qh4me |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 3:00 pm: Oh Kathleen,I am so sorry to hear about Yogi. You have had such a battle with Annie and Yogi in the past few weeks, I was really praying that he would pull through. May you find the strength to get through this terrible time. Sending you my deepest sympathy. I can only imagine how hard this must be loosing 2 of your cherished companions so close together. |
Member: shirl |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 3:08 pm: Kathleen,My deepest sympathy. Words don't help, but know my thoughts, prayers and understanding are there with you, as will Yogi's spirit be. Love, Shirl |
Member: ajudson1 |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 3:12 pm: Kathleen,Sending you prayers of love and healing. I am so sorry that the outcome wasn't different. He's in a better place now, pain free. ((((HUGS)))) |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 3:29 pm: Kathleen, I am so very sorry. There seemed to be something very special about Yogi, even though I never met him in person. I know you will miss him terribly, and Anne also. I know you have done what you and your vet deemed best for Yogi, and for that you are to be praised. I'm glad he's no longer suffering mentally or physically. I hope you're able to take a little time to heal; you've been through a lot lately. |
Member: sunny66 |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 3:46 pm: Kathleen, I am so very sorry. I'm heartbroken for you. I am not an eloquent writer so I will just send you many ((((hugs)))) and prayers for peace. |
Member: canter |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 3:54 pm: Kathleen, I am deeply distressed at your loss. My heart goes out to you during this very difficult time. I hope you find peace in knowing that you did everything you could for Yogi. |
Member: scooter |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 4:00 pm: Kathleen I am so so sorry I could tell the way you talked about Yogi he was very loved and knew it. My condolences. |
Member: mysi |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 4:21 pm: Kathleen,I am so sorry for your loss. You can have peace in knowing that you did all that you could for him. I have so many animals and have not gone through the loss of one yet and I truly dread the day, but I hope that I have the strength you did to do the right thing. My thoughts are with you and you loss. |
Member: leilani |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 5:00 pm: Kathleen,I am so very sorry for all of you. Leilani |
Member: dres |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 5:16 pm: ![]() |
Member: srobert |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 5:17 pm: Kathleen: I am crying for and with you. Having lost my Max under very tragic circumstances recently, my heart breaks with you. Know that you and Yogi and Annie are in our thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you and hold you in the palm of his hand....SHari |
Member: juliem |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 5:36 pm: We're so blessed to have these animals in our life and you did for Yogi the ultimate kindness. I am so sorry. Julie |
Member: zarr |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 5:55 pm: We never know how long loved ones will be with us Sometimes years and sometimes only a brief moment! The one thing I do know is the love between hearts never leaves. Yogi will never be far, his wisdom and love will always be at your side ! My tears join the many from here, but I'm so glad that you both had each other for whatever amount of time had been granted. ! Cindy |
Member: annes |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 6:05 pm: Kathleen, I want to join the others in saying I am so sorry for your loss and I am thinking about you.Ann |
Member: paardex |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 6:44 pm: I am so very sorry you had to make this decision Kathleen it must have been a very difficult time for you, I respect you for not letting both your friends suffer more, a horrible decision and still the kindest to make at some times.Jos |
Member: pbauer |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 7:11 pm: Dear Kathleen,I believe...Yogi is home. ![]() You are in my thoughts and prayers~ Love, Tonya |
Member: christel |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 7:30 pm: Kathleen, so very very sorry. Please take comfort in knowing he is in a better place, having an awesome reunion with Annie.Take care, Chris |
Member: suzym |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 8:30 pm: I'll Lend You My FoalI'll lend you for a little while My grandest foal, He said. For you to love while he's alive And mourn for when he's dead. It may be one or twenty years, Or days or months, you see. But will you, till I take him back, Take care of him for me? He'll bring his charms to gladden you, And should his stay be brief You'll have treasured memories As solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay, Since all from earth return. But there are lessons taught on earth I want this foal to learn. I've looked the wide world over In my search for teachers true. And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes With trust, I have selected you. Now will you give him your total love? Nor think the labor vain, Nor hate me when I come To take him back again? I know you'll give him tenderness And love will bloom each day. And for the happiness you've known Forever grateful stay. But should I come and call for him Much sooner than you'd planned You'll brave the bitter grief that comes And someday you'll understand Please accept my most sincere condolences, Kathleen. Suzy |
Member: warwick |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 8:59 pm: So terribly sorry to hear this awful news, Kathleen. He was such a tough little fighter. You are in my thoughts.Take care, Sue |
Member: stevens |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 9:51 pm: My condolences Kathleen. You did everything you could.Chris |
Member: hwood |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 10:18 pm: Oh, suz . . . that is just perfect . . . did you write it? It's wonderful and must hit a note with Kathleen's joy in Yogi's life and sorrow in his death.Hugs, Kathleen. |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 10:45 pm: Thank you everyone for caring and thank you Suzanne for the wonderful poem. Here is a poem written by my daughter for Yogi (Yogi was her horse even though he lived with me).(Epona is the Celtic Goddess of Horses.) I call upon Epona to break the chains I call upon Epona to end the strain. Your love and strength touched those near and far You shared your energy and the caring soul you are. There is so much more I wish I could have done for you For it was through your companionship and character that I grew. I bid you farewell I send you my love May you fly to the heavens on the wings of a dove. written by Tina Wheat Kathleen |
Member: lilo |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 10:53 pm: Kathleen, I am so very sorry to hear about Yogi. The poems are beautiful, both of them.My condolences, Lilo |
Member: 153337 |
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007 - 11:21 pm: Kathleen,I'm so sorry for your recent loss of your beloved friends. You did everything you could. I wish you peace during this difficult time. Amber |
Member: vickiann |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 12, 2007 - 6:45 am: Kathleen, I am deeply sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend, but Yogi is fortunate that you understood there are things worse than death, such as suffering and loss of dignity. |
Member: frances |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 12, 2007 - 9:08 am: My very deepest sympathy, Kathleen. |
Member: sonoita |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 12, 2007 - 9:52 am: thinking of you and sending healing thoughts.Happy Trials |
Member: cheryl |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 12, 2007 - 10:31 am: Yogi and Annie are now safe - you are left with all the pain. So sorry - but you stepped up and did what was best for your friends. Take comfort in knowing you chose the pain for yourself instead of leaving it with them.Cheryl |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 12, 2007 - 1:05 pm: I offer you my deepest condolences again Kathleen. Sometimes it does seem individuals are picked out and tested and your sharing your daughters poem at a time like this is a testament to your strength.DrO |
Member: suzym |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 12, 2007 - 8:04 pm: I'm glad you liked the poem, Kathleen. The one by your daughter is lovely and very touching.Oh, Holly, I wish I could write something like that! Actually, it was on a sympathy card given to me by my farrier when I lost DJ. The card gave the author as Unknown I would love to know who did write it. Whoever it was has undoubtedly "been there" just as we all have. You and your daughter will be in my thoughts, Kathleen. Suzy |
Member: maggienm |
Posted on Wednesday, Sep 12, 2007 - 11:30 pm: Kathleen, so sorry to hear of your loss. You tried so hard for Yogi.Hugs (((ooo))) Tonya, what a fabulous drawing! |
Member: pbauer |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 13, 2007 - 12:43 am: Dear Lori,From one of my horsey websites... ![]() Loaves and Fishes, Tonya |
Member: paul303 |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 13, 2007 - 1:13 am: How very painful, Kathleen. If only there were words that could balance this sorrow - but I know of none.These words steadied me some after a tough loss of my own: Each moment in time is a gift that comes And goes, in the blink of an eye. We question, as always, the meaning of life And "to live" is the only reply. So celebrate in the here and now And live as well as life will allow... For the treasures of life are the memories we keep They nourish our soul and sweeten our sleep. May your grief be followed by a celebration of the unique joys that Yogi and Annie brought to your lives. |
Member: amara |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 13, 2007 - 6:49 am: my deepest sympathies Kathleen... you've gone thru so very much and such a short space of time...keep strong and have faith |
Member: 5691 |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 13, 2007 - 12:51 pm: Dear Kathleen,I want to add to all the above caring sentiments my deepest condolences and sympathy at the loss of your beloved Annie and Yogi. My heart aches for your loss. Please extend my sympathies to your daughter. Her poem was very touching. To Tonya- Thank you for the posting of the website. One of my dear friends had to say good by to her horse yesterday and I am glad to know of a place to leave a tribute. Grace and Peace, Debra |
Member: lynnea |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 13, 2007 - 4:16 pm: Kathleen,I am so sorry ....I know only so well, as many others here, the pain of such a loss, and it was doubled for you . Annie and Yogi are most likely playing in those forever green pastures and remembering how lucky they were they had you to love them. My sympathy also to your daughter...her poem was wonderful. In fact, all the poems are comforting at a time like this. |
Member: erika |
Posted on Thursday, Sep 13, 2007 - 8:47 pm: I have been away for some time and was so shocked to read of your sad news, Kathleen. I know from your posts how much you love your horses.We will all miss the tales and pictures of Yogi, and how sad to lose Annie, too. Sincere condolences. Erika |
Member: kathleen |
Posted on Sunday, Jun 15, 2008 - 11:45 am: I kept the link to this thread in my email, didn't know why. Now I think I do. Just now I was using it as a link to get on HA to check recent posts and started reading it from the start. A little way into reading it, I started crying and after finishing it, actually allowed myself to cry and grieve for Yogi. As some of you know I didn't take the loss well at all, worse than I ever thought possible. Thanks to my daughter Tina, friends here on HA and therapy and drugs and more therapy and more drugs, and 6 months of very severe depression, and continued therapy and drugs, I am finally able to face his death. Today is the first time I have been able to give in to crying and mourning him. My therapist has tried his best to make me understand that crying is normal and not a sign of weakness and I guess I finally might understand just a bit, not sure yet. I have been happier lately than ever before and maybe that is why I am able to face this now. And if I have offended anyone on other threads here on HA by seeming sharp or maybe unyielding, I apologize. I realize now that I haven't been the easiest person to be around, but hopefully that will no longer be the case. Please bear with me, as I am writing this more for myself than as a postscript to this thread. |
Member: paardex |
Posted on Sunday, Jun 15, 2008 - 12:10 pm: Kathleen I suppose we met at one of the worst moments in your life and you still were very pleasant company.So glad you seem to recover! Jos |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Sunday, Jun 15, 2008 - 12:14 pm: Dear Kathleen, you own no one an apology! The loss of Yogi, difficult enough to endure, wasn't the only difficulty you've had to deal with. I am so glad you are back to "yourself!" |
Member: zarr |
Posted on Sunday, Jun 15, 2008 - 12:16 pm: Kathleen, sometimes we are afraid to cry because we might not be able to stop.Think everyone here fell in love with Yogi I know I did. No one here ever took offense at anything you said. We may all not agree but we are all here for the horses and each other. Glad release has started to come and yes crying as I type I miss him too! Cindy |
Member: ajudson1 |
Posted on Sunday, Jun 15, 2008 - 2:08 pm: Kathleen,Crying is cleansing. It's all part of the healing, so cry, scream, pound a pillow, whatever it takes! Now, take one day at a time, find some joy in each day, find something to smile about, no matter how trivial. Soon, you will smile and find many things to be thankful for again. I always say that when we are hurting the most, we are learning a lesson God meant for us to learn, and we will grow stronger from the pain. And Yogi is in good company with Fancy & Lakota. Hugs, and no apologies needed! |
Member: scooter |
Posted on Sunday, Jun 15, 2008 - 3:45 pm: Kathleen I had a very hard time too when I lost Hanks sister Sassy. Took a long time to get over it.I couldn't even think about her without tears welling up, and really didn't care to talk about her to anyone. Took a good year of blaming myself, depression and crankiness to get over it, but now I think of her often and smile. Some horses touch our lives like that, some not so much, but it's always hard. Could tell from your posts you loved Yogi very much and he knew it, remember that and think of him with a smile. Sounds like the dam broke and now you will be able to reconcile with all that has happened along lifes journey. |
Member: suzym |
Posted on Sunday, Jun 15, 2008 - 7:21 pm: Oh, Kathleen, you don't owe anyone an apology. As I wrote earlier in this thread, I went through something very similar with DJ. It's been six years now, and I still cry when I have to talk or write about him. I think it will always be that way. The tears I've cried for DJ would float the Titanic.Let yourself grieve, and always remember that we are here. Suzy |
Member: shirl |
Posted on Sunday, Jun 15, 2008 - 7:52 pm: Kathleen,Let memories of Yogi and Annie make you smile. Hold them close to your heart as you heal. It takes forever, but little by little the pain eases and memories take its place. Hugs, Shirl |
Member: ajudson1 |
Posted on Sunday, Jun 15, 2008 - 8:32 pm: Kathleen,I just got this from my dearest "forever friend", and thought it was appropriate here; I know I smiled and my heart felt lighter. Change Your Thinking It will take just 37 seconds to read this and change your thinking. Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on hi s back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene. One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band - he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Days, weeks and months passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window besides the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, 'Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.' Epilogue: There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy. 'Today is a gift, that is why it is called The Present.' The origin of this letter is unknown, but it brings good luck to everyone who passes it on. |
Member: pbauer |
Posted on Thursday, Jun 19, 2008 - 7:45 pm: Dear Kathleen,I know you have experienced a very stressful year, but very good to hear that you purposed to seek help...always a good thing! As, Angie J., posted: Shared grief is half the sorrow. Knowing that you are feeling better and doing well is such an encouragement to me. And, your enthusiasm and commitment for everything you hold genuinely contagious. We are truly fortunate to have you with us. Love to You, Tonya |