Discussion on Bowed Tendons
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Member: Jewels
Posted on Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 - 9:17 pm:
A young friend of mine is considering purchase of an ex-race horse that was retired at age 4 due to bowed tendons, apparently they used the good old "blister pack" method, which I'm told is out dated. He is now 6 years of age, she has been told that once the tendon is blistered it is stronger than before. I had never heard this but I'm not all that familiar with that type of injury either. I understand it to be fairly common in race horses. My question is he really going to stay sound or is this an injury that will continue to give problems, by the way she wants to use him as a hunter / jumper. Any advice?
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Monday, Jul 26, 2004 - 2:19 pm:
Bowed tendons are never as strong as before the injury, no matter how they are treated. Your friend needs to have a thorough prepurchase exam done to evaluate the horse and tendons in light of your friends goals. DrO
Member: Dres
Posted on Monday, Jul 26, 2004 - 3:56 pm:
Julie, just an example here of course.. i have a gal friend that has a 10 year old off the track TB. he had bowed both front legs.. she rides dressage.. now that she is moving him up the levels.. showing 2nd level, schooling 3rd level, he is having more 'off' days then ever before.. the stress of his work level has increased, and his old bows can't take it well.. just an example i know of.. Ann
Member: Jewels
Posted on Monday, Jul 26, 2004 - 4:32 pm:
Thanks for your advice, she definately was doing a prepurchase exam but I wanted to save her the expense if the horse would likely become unsound. I did talk to her and she is considering her options but I think she will probably still do the vet check.
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