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Discussion on Heat Cycles | |
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Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Monday, Aug 9, 2004 - 4:24 pm: Can anyone shed some light on what is a normal heat cycle? I've read Dr. O's articles on abnormal, but nothing on normal...since I've only had geldings, I am clueless. All I know is that mares' attitudes change when in heat.My 3 year old filly's heat cycles are -- I'm guessing -- quite mild. She's perfectly behaved. The only thing she does is pace when she's in heat whether she is in her stall/run or pasture turnout. I'm taking steps to enlarge her run off of the barn so she can go in and out as she pleases to a half acre turnout. She just seems miserable unless I'm there. Any thoughts? My friend suggested regumate, but why would I do that when she is respectful when being handled? I say again, the only thing she does is pace. I feel regumate is a little far fetched right now. |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 10, 2004 - 9:12 am: You will find a complete description of a mare's normal heat cycle at, Equine Reproduction » Horse Breeding & Artifical Insemination »Breeding Patterns in Mares and Stallions. DrO |
Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 10, 2004 - 10:19 am: Very informative, thank you. I'm not sure I'll breed least not for a long while. I must not have been clear - or it's too early and I didn't find my answer![]() I have heard about b**tchy mares that get regumate, but she is not. |
Member: Mrose |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 - 12:18 am: Aileen- how long has this filly been having heat cycles? I'm wondering if either they confuse/frighten her or if they are painful for her. I've seen young fillie think they have colic when they first start cycling. If it is painful for her, she may be pacing because she is either trying to get away from the pain or the constant movement makes her feel better. The fact that your presence comforts her makes me wonder. |
Member: Mrose |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 - 12:24 am: btw-I would think the constant pacing could damage her hoofs and possible muscles or ligiments, especially if she is turning abruptly and always in the same direction, which many horses pacing in the encosures do. But, I don't think that's cause to give her Regumate. I'd talk to your vet re: the pros and cons of that before I decided to start her on hormones. Also, it's very expensive, so I'd look at other options first. |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 - 9:24 am: Pacing will not cause a horse damage, it is one of the natural gaits of horses. I do not know why you would give Regumate to a horse you did not want to prevent from cycling or time her ovulations.DrO |
Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 - 10:15 am: Hi Sara,I bought her in late April 2004, she's been this way since I've had her. I too think she may be confused. I don't *think* she's in pain tho, she has not shown any signs of colic since she's been with me. I feel sorry for my sweet little girl. She's turned out for 13 or 14 hours a day, and at night she has a stall with a 16 ft run...she paces in the run at night and she paces the fenceline in her acre turnout during the day. She's out of heat today and has stopped pacing. Your insight is much appreciated! Dr. O, thank you! That's what I thought but I wanted to make sure. |
Member: Mrose |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 - 11:37 am: Are there other horses near by that she can socialize with when she is turned out? |
Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 - 11:51 am: She is next to my gelding - they can chat over the fence - can't be *with* her when she's in heat...he gets a little too amorous for my liking...if you get my drift.![]() I have four boys and they all act the same way, she's the only girl...maybe I should buy another mare?? |
Member: Sully |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 - 12:56 pm: You also might want to have a vet check her just to make sure nothing weird is going on with her. My trainer told me about a 3 or 4 yr old mare she had in training that got witchy while in heat. The owner did not want to have her checked and put her on Regumate. When he went to breed her the next year, she would not settle. She finally got checked and had a tumor the size of a football on one of her overies that was removed. According to my trainer, that horse must of been in a lot of pain, and its a wonder she let anyone ride her at all. But she did, the owner just thought she was ill tempered during her heat cycles. |
Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 - 1:28 pm: Hi Nancy,She's going to get her wolf teeth removed the 22nd. I'll ask the vet to check for anything abnormal to rule pain out. She's not witchy by any means, even under saddle, she's actually better when with a human. |