Discussion on Post Abscess Lameness
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Member: Belhaven
Posted on Friday, Aug 20, 2004 - 6:16 pm:
I am really scratching my head...my 4yo had a solar abscess almost 5 weeks ago. The vet opened and drained the hole...it was quite large. The location of the opening is between 11 and 12 o'clock on the sole. It appears to track back toward the apex of the frog. He appeared to be improving now 2 days ago is he is back to non weight bearing lame. The vet has been out and the trimmer has looked at him...the only conclusion they can reach is the pressure of the sole on the area just behind the opening is causing the pain. There is a good bit of sensitive tissue exposed...if you barely touch the wrong spot it will bleed. I have him wrapped per vet/trimmer orders but he is getting worse as the day goes on. Is there something we could be missing? I am not in a position to treat him with shoes and I doubt he could handle the pounding of putting one on anyway.
Member: Deggert
Posted on Friday, Aug 20, 2004 - 6:35 pm:
Leah I can't comment on the abscess condition, but not to be an alarmist I would be careful of the foot bearing all the weight. I am dealing witha supporting leg founder. My vet was telling me about an abscess on a horse that went on for a few weeks and the horse foundered on the other leg. Maybe mention this to your vet so you can support the other foot. Again, don't panic but I wish someone had told me of this possibility and maybe I wouldn't be treating this frustrating condition. Good luck
Member: Belhaven
Posted on Friday, Aug 20, 2004 - 7:31 pm:
Thank you Debbie that has been pointed out to me which is adding to my concern.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Saturday, Aug 21, 2004 - 9:11 am:
Hello Leah, This is not sensitivity to pressure from the past opening, after all it has 5 weeks of healing at this time. 5 to 1 odds this is a recurrance of the abscess in an area that did not get drained well or it has quit draining well. Occasionally you can get into a problem with prolapsed corium which is painful. This is usually a minor problem if the abscess is treated as per the article. When an abscess is drained well he becomes sound within days with the exception of a slight sensitivity of the exposed corium which is minor and usually resolved in 14 days as a thin layer of new sole covers the defect. DrO
Member: Belhaven
Posted on Saturday, Aug 21, 2004 - 10:04 am:
Thank you Dr O---I will continue to treat per your article. This has been a tough year for my 2 horses-I think my nerves are just wearing out!
Member: Mrose
Posted on Saturday, Aug 21, 2004 - 10:24 am:
Leah, I sympathize with that feeling. I've been there with 9 horses sick at once. Felt like I was ready for the hospital myself! Hang in there. Try and fine some enjoyment in them too. "This too shall pass" as they say.
Member: Belhaven
Posted on Sunday, Aug 22, 2004 - 6:54 am:
Thank you Sara for your words of support...I know these are not HUGE things...abscess and the eye ulcer...but it is the on and on and on and on with meds and soaks and wraps and getting nowhere it seems. Nine at once-oh my-I think I would have spent lots of time in a pretty padded room after that! LOL!!
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Sunday, Aug 22, 2004 - 9:30 am:
Don't forget the most important principle in the article Leah: acute abscesses are found and drained quickly before they have time to undermine and damage more areas. DrO