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Discussion on Week old cut still with heat ??? | |
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Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 26, 2004 - 10:25 am: Hello All,Need opinions. The mare is not lame.The cut is on her pastern and pretty deep. It's healing well (so I've been told) from the inside out. Pink. But this morning and the other morning I've felt heat and just a little swelling. I was told it's normal for a cut this deep (a little more than a 1/4 inch deep) to continue the heat during the healing process. When I got home from work last night it took a lot to clean it. I took betadine to it and it looked really good, then smathered on neosporine. My concern is the heat. She's cold hosed only once a day now....should I be keeping it to 2 to 3 sessions a day? Common sense tells me yes. All opinions welcome! |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Friday, Aug 27, 2004 - 12:41 pm: Yes some heat would be expected with an open wound. Frequency of cleaning depend on many factors Aileen: if the wound is not clean when you come back to it, it should be flushed more often.DrO |
Member: Suzeb |
Posted on Friday, Aug 27, 2004 - 5:03 pm: Hi Aileen,Do you know with WHAT the mare was cut with? I know, sometimes we just never know. Is the cut horizontal or vertical? Sometimes just how the cut is and movement from the horse will affect the healing time, ie. lots of motion and the wound keeps opening up making it slower to heal. If the heat and swelling start to get to bigger areas that might give you cause for concern, but I think if you are diligent in keeping the wound clean should be no worries. Susan B. |
Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Friday, Aug 27, 2004 - 11:10 pm: Hi Susan,No I don't know what she cut it on --- it's a horizontal cut on the inside of her pastern. She has two cuts around her eye today. What should I put for ointment on the around the eye cuts? They're not nearly as deep, but one cut is swollen. I've cold hosed her as best I could and cleaned it with just a "wet one". I was afraid to use betadine. ...should I just wrap her up in bubble wrap??? ![]() I feel like a bad mom....again! |
Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 28, 2004 - 11:56 am: Pics...does it need stitches?![]() ![]() |
Member: Suzeb |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 28, 2004 - 12:34 pm: Hi Aileen,I have seen nastier cuts that don't need stitches. As for keeping the cuts clean, I would opt for cool, CLEAN water. The ointment might melt and possibly run into the eye. Any horse that I know puts their head down to eat and this might make the swelling and heat seem worse. Best to keep this clean and dry as often as you can. It will heal. What is this horse cutting herself on??? I am sure you will be on a hunting expedition this weekend for the culprit cause you are such a good MOM ![]() If not maybe a little sharp edge on the hoof wall. Flies can be sticky this time of year and if she is stomping and using her feet to clear them off this might be problem. Just a thought. Let us know what you find and great pics ![]() Susan B. |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 28, 2004 - 12:51 pm: Neo-Poly-Bac ointment would be safe to use around the eyes and minimally irritating if it did get in the eye. If you can widely separate the edges with your fingers a few stitches will get it to heal quicker if not they would not help.DrO |
Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 28, 2004 - 1:12 pm: Thanks so much for the prompt replies!I've already gone on a hunting expedition... could not find anything...unless it was a tree or a rock. Geesh. I'm keeping her in the other pasture...just in case. No trees or rocks in this one. But she is NOT happy. AND she's in heat again! PACING. Plus she keeps pulling off her fly mask. She IS a determined little filly (;) I'll check the width of the cut now...what is widely? I'm assuming that if I can't pull it apart she's good as she is. Thanks again!!! |
Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Saturday, Aug 28, 2004 - 1:21 pm: Ok...I could not widely separate the edges...but I could just a I'm going to assume she doesn't need the stitches. Write if I'm wrong (;)Thanks again!! My vet is out til Monday're much appreciated Dr. O. and you too Susan (;) |
Member: 36541 |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 29, 2004 - 8:34 am: I think you are too late for stitches at this point even if you needed them at all. If flies are a problem, I would use the really thick SWAT ointment(Farnam I think) in a 1 inch circle around the wound with the medicated ointment in the middle. She sounds pretty typical for a baby and let me guess - probably the most valuable set of hooves on the place, right?! If I have 9 horses on my farm for a month, I can guarantee that the most expensive one will be the only one to get hurt or sick!! |
Member: Sunny66 |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 29, 2004 - 10:20 am: Stacy,She's actually letting me hose her face ![]() ![]() I looked, but I couldn't find any bubble wrap ![]() |