Discussion on Thank you Dr. O! HA diagnosed lameness
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Member: ekaufman
Posted on Saturday, Jan 5, 2008 - 10:36 pm:
Just a huge thank you to Dr. O for the careful instructions on diagnosing/localizing acute lameness. Here's my tale: Yesterday morning my competition horse greeted me with her right foreleg in the air. This is a foot with many chronic structural issues, and she is maintained sound with a custom bar/3' pad and equithain. She had spent the previous day fruiting around on the ice like the horse that she is. She presented with an acute lameness that appeared localized to the foot, no swelling, heat and increased digital pulses in that foot. The vet reviewed her prior x-rays and recent history, and diagnosed it as trauma (bad bruise or fracture), recommended bute and rest. She told me to call her Monday if the mare continued lame. I came inside and read the HA section on diagnosing lameness. I went back outside, soaked and wrapped the foot/leg, called my farrier and my vet, and asked them to come pull the super-complicated spidey-power-shoe and look for an abscess. It was in fact an abscess, and my mare is now much more comfortable, resting and recovering. I'm no vet, but I can follow clear instructions. Thanks to you, Dr. O, for saving my mare the pain and potential complications of leaving this mis-diagnosed. Yay for HA.
Member: paardex
Posted on Sunday, Jan 6, 2008 - 4:25 am:
Good job from you too Elizabeth! Jos
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Sunday, Jan 6, 2008 - 8:13 am:
Thanks for the kudos Elizabeth but jos has it right, you took the time to read, understand, and then act. Congratulations on a job well done. DrO
Member: ekaufman
Posted on Sunday, Jan 13, 2008 - 7:11 pm:
Just to close out this thread. The mare was cooped up and treated per HA instructions for 8 days. We re-set her spidey power shoe yesterday and I turned her out for a bucking-cure (too old to ride them oats!). I rode her today, and unless abscesses cause leaping through the air and snorting, I declare her healed! It was a lucky and uncomplicated incident.