New Member: lyons
Posted on Sunday, Oct 26, 2008 - 8:45 pm:
My 20yo mare was diag. w/lymes disease 4wks ago.Elisa test 490, West.blot test consistant w/an antibody response to Borrelia.She is 15.3h 1100# attitude and appetite are normal to present.Vet prescribed doxycycline 16 100mgs.2x/day,2gr.bute2x/day for 4wks.(I gave 1gr.bute and started msm after 2 wks when she felt better.)experienced Herx reaction after 1st dose of meds.Vet never heard of this and said it was founder(tried to explain)Vet took blood panel results:Increased RBC&Liver enzym;WBC didn't know why.I've learned though research that this disease is an enigma.I discussed with vet to keep her on meds 1more mo. he agreed. 2days ago after 3wks 5day on meds she eperienced a relapse.Her vitals were the same as the day she experience Herx. Resp.38/min, HR 80/min, temp.100.1 and walking on eggshells wt. shifts R&L front pulse is present but not sure its bounding.she was sweaty this am but temp. 100.1 eatting and drinking norml. bowel bladder norml. Can a horse experience multiple Herx reactions? I read that effluerage massage of the muscle can help flush the bacteria out of the tissue, I was doing this am & pm could this have caused the reaction?(I stopped).Vet said she has sore feet & to wait it out.He also had me take the salt lick away because that could raise her bp and that she probably gets enough in her grain ration(1 lb.equine senior am&pm)free choice grass hay. shes in small pasture by herself not alot of grass.Im having a difficult and frustrating time just waiting it out while my best friend is in such pain. today was the first day she started sticking her tongue out winding it around. I did let her lick the salt and her tongue was acting crazy. can I add alittle table salt to her grain?Is there any other tests or txs you would do if it were your horse? Thank You so much for your time and your opinion We truly appreciate it.sinceley Regal&Dawn
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Monday, Oct 27, 2008 - 8:25 am:
According to our dictionary the definition of a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is: An inflammatory reaction in syphilitic tissues (skin, mucous membrane, nervous system, or viscera) induced in certain cases by specific treatment with Salvarsan, mercury, or antibiotics; believed to be due to a rapid release of treponemal antigen with an associated allergic reaction in the patient. We have not had reliable reports of such a reaction in horses and even in humans the cause of this reaction in humans beginning syphillus treatment remains under discussion. Other initial early febrile reactions have sometimes coopted this term but remain controversial. You should note that remarkable fever is the primary sign something and not a symptom your horse displayed. In humans it is reported as a one time event of short duration (reference the Mayo Clinic web site for this). I think it unlikely this happened to your horse. I am uncertain it is wise to remove an important sourse of nutrients, minerals, from the horses diet and table salt lacks many of the important micronutrients. For more on this is Horse Care » Equine Nutrition, Horse Feeds, Feeding » Minerals and Electrolytes for Horses, an Overview. You should note that the vast majority of horses with Lymes titers are not carrying the organism nor have any symptomology indicating they are ill or have ever been ill from exposure. Your description of your current horse's condition is consistent with founder but the cause uncertain for more on this see Diseases of Horses » Lameness » Diseases of the Hoof » Founder & Laminitis. I think it important you treat your horse for this condition. DrO