Discussion on Splint injury
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New Member: Zebra1
Posted on Tuesday, Jun 7, 2005 - 7:33 am:
My horse injured his splint bone at the beginning of April this year. After the initial swelling subsided, he was left with a hard bony lump about an inch across. The vet suggested that it could be bruised, chipped or broken, and that an x ray would be definitive. After 4 weeks of very light exercise, (mainly walking) I sent him out to the paddock because he wasn't quite right. the question is, how long should I leave him there? How will I know when he is right to bring in to work? People are suggesting 3-4 months of paddock rest. He has a high threshold of pain (well, higher than my other horse) and I don't want to bring him in too soon only to set him back again. regards all.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Wednesday, Jun 8, 2005 - 8:21 am:
Without a diagnosis we cannot make firm recommendations Debra and if the possibility of a broken splint bone exists, I suggest you have the radiograph done. Otherwise you rest him until he is sound, then bring him along slow. How long that is depends on the nature and extent of his injuries. DrO
New Member: Zebra1
Posted on Sunday, Jul 10, 2005 - 3:50 am:
Dear Dr O, The radiograph is a lot easier to arrange from where he is stabled, than where he is agisted out of town. He appears to be completely sound in the paddock. What would you call light work, considering he would be in a stable? Leading him, at the walk, for a couple of days, lungeing and walking, riding him at the walk?
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Sunday, Jul 10, 2005 - 8:41 am:
A good slow rehab schedule that you can adapt to your injury is described at Equine Diseases » Lameness » Treatment Methods » Rehabilitating Injuries to the Tendons and Ligaments. Remember that any increase in exercise takes about a month for adaption to the new work load. DrO
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