Discussion on Hock Out- Toe In while walking
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New Member: rpb88
Posted on Tuesday, Oct 1, 2013 - 9:33 pm:
my horse is lame on his left hind ( I posted some about it before) My question is : What would causes this Hock In ,Toe Out rotation while walking and trotting. Here is his general story and symptoms: Update: I had another vet look at him (of course this vet also worked under the other vet when he started out , so might not have wanted to go against him) We did Xrays of his hock and the vet said that the DIT joints looks fused and like it can't be injected via the X-ray but sometimes looks can be deceiving, so he would try to inject it with steroid to see if there is any improvement. He got the needle into the TMT joint but could NOT the DIT joint. He said that he was 90% sure it is the hock. (however if he is fused that well in there I would wonder why there would be pain?) There was NO improvement after injections from this vet. I brought the vet out again to ultrasound the stifle (since I was paranoid ) and he found nothing significant. I have been riding him at a walk on trail to hopefully help strengthen him. He was improving...until he was reset. I am confident that his trim and shoeing are correct I was thinking that the hammering and and nailing might have done something. or he felt well enough to run and overexerted himself is the cool weather. Symptoms: Next day after reset was sore through back and twisting/wringing his LH Hock (Hock Out- Toe IN) A audible popping noise was heard while walking going to the right. Puffiness above fetlocks (but first was noticed in LH) When trying to pick up RH he lifts up the LH and acts like he does not want to put it down When trotting he wants to carry his hindquarters to the right while tracking left and right (his LH under his body and the RH out) He also carries his tail to the Left now intermittently If I think of more I will add it. .
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Wednesday, Oct 2, 2013 - 7:23 pm:
Hello Joanne, Without examining your horse I cannot say what might be causing this way of going. None of the details you give are diagnostic of the problem. I strongly recommend you get a referral to someone who can do a complete and organized exam including blocks to the top of the leg. Until localized it is impossible to make much headway on diagnosis. DrO
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