Discussion on Trimmed too short
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New Member: Sylvy
Posted on Friday, Jun 24, 2005 - 2:38 am:
My 3 year olds back hooves were trimmed to short and she is sore walking on them. I have heard an old remedy soaking them in a mud bath is good. Or would a hot bran mash placed in a diaper and kept on with masking tape be better? What else should I do to avoid founder?
Member: Onehorse
Posted on Friday, Jun 24, 2005 - 7:17 am:
Sylvia: There's a product called Kerotex Hoof Hardener that you can use to speed the recovery of your horse. You literally 'paint' it on the sole of the hoof (avoid the frog) and it hastens hardening of the sole. You can find it at some tack stores, but usually at shoeing and farrier supply stores. Ask you farrier where to get it in your area. Rick
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Friday, Jun 24, 2005 - 7:21 am:
For more on treatment see, Equine Diseases » Lameness » Diseases of the Hoof » Problems Following Shoeing or Trimming. I don't think either the mud or mash is indicated. DrO