Discussions on The Interpretation of Radiographs
Titles |
Subtopics |
Posts |
Updated |
| OC in Hock | 1 | 5 | Mar 23, 19 |
| Bone spur in hock | 1 | 6 | Mar 11, 19 |
| Abnormal coffin bone x-rays | 1 | 11 | Mar 11, 19 |
| Shattered Tibia | 1 | 6 | Aug 6, 13 |
| Need Help Interpreting Right Front Radiograph | 1 | 11 | Feb 2, 12 |
| Article Update: The Interpretation of Radiographs | 1 | 2 | Sep 9, 09 |
| Lameness mystery | 1 | 15 | Jul 27, 09 |
| Bone Chip in Fetlock | 1 | 31 | Aug 31, 09 |
| Fractured tibia | 1 | 9 | Nov 20, 08 |
| How the Heck Can I Post X Rays? | 1 | 4 | Aug 22, 08 |
| Radiographic Intrepretation on 14 mo filly | 1 | 62 | Sep 11, 08 |
| Lameness in 3 month old- X rays | 1 | 6 | Jul 17, 08 |
| Ringbone/ bone spurs | 1 | 16 | Jul 1, 08 |
| Fetlock xrays | 1 | 19 | May 19, 08 |
| Calcium deposits found on sesamoid bones | 1 | 2 | Feb 17, 07 |
| Attached X-rays of 5 mo old Stifles & OCD condition | 1 | 7 | Dec 7, 06 |
| Straight Answer About My 6-Month Old Colt - X-Rays | 1 | 5 | Sep 15, 06 |
| Derotation of pedal bone in both front feet | 1 | 13 | Oct 7, 06 |
| X rays of front hoofs.. | 1 | 25 | Mar 17, 06 |
| P2 Misshaped | 1 | 5 | Jan 11, 05 |
| High ring bone | 1 | 5 | Dec 24, 02 |
| Hock fusing but jagged? | 1 | 3 | Oct 7, 02 |
| Disturbing results from radiographs... | 1 | 3 | Oct 13, 02 |
| Bone spurs | 1 | 5 | Apr 15, 02 |
| Fracture diagnosis using Zero Radiographs | 1 | 3 | Jan 16, 02 |
| Determining degree of rotation | 1 | 2 | Nov 8, 01 |
| Small circle on coffin bone | 1 | 4 | Apr 18, 01 |
| Please translate Latin on a European Radiograph Report | 1 | 2 | Nov 22, 00 |
| Lame but radiographs can't be identified | 1 | 6 | Oct 27, 00 |
| Bone Spavin on radiographs | 1 | 4 | Oct 4, 00 |
| Navicular Disease | 1 | 10 | Aug 27, 10 |
| Broken angle in the front leg | 1 | 2 | Apr 24, 00 |
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