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Discussion on Encevelitis in draft crosses | |
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Member: Mientjie |
Posted on Monday, Mar 27, 2006 - 1:01 pm: Hello everyoneToday I went to work my mare and when I got on her I noticed something wasn't right. We took her temperature it was normal 37.2*Celsius. As we were walking around to start warming up her head was hanging low to the ground. After untacking her I let her graze for an hour and when she came back in I took her temperature again and it was 38.3*C !!!! ![]() At this time just touching her it felt like touching boiling water. The vet took blood and we'll have the results tomorrow morning. She thinks it might be encevilitis. What is this this? Thank you so much for all your help! Lea-Anne |
Member: Stina |
Posted on Monday, Mar 27, 2006 - 1:26 pm: I believe your vet meant "encephalitis" and I think there are two forms - EEF or Eastern Equine Encephalitis and WNV - West Nile Virus also referred to as West Nile Encephalitis. |
Member: Hwood |
Posted on Monday, Mar 27, 2006 - 3:43 pm: EEE, WEE, VEE, (Eastern, Western and Venezualan) are all different kinds of viral infection of the brain. Where I have lived with horses in the U.S., I have only had to vaccinate against EEE and WEE, but I believe many folks in Southern areas have to vaccinate for VEE, too. WNV is different but is also a mosquito/blood borne virus that effects the nervous system. Go to: » Equine Diseases » Nervous System » Dementia: Depression, Excitement, Coma » for more info. |
Member: Irvincd |
Posted on Monday, Mar 27, 2006 - 4:12 pm: Lea-AnneI pray that your horse doesn’t have EEE Eastern Equine Encephalitis as I have experienced one horse with it and sent the blood into the state vet to confirm it. Mine was the first reported case in this county and I think that is simply because people don’t pay to do the blood test. I understand it is spread by Mosquitoes and affects them in a way that causes swelling in the spine causing a blind drunken horse that can hardly stand. The Vets recommend vaccine twice a year here in eastern NC. If your horse were suspected of having it I would say the vet should be treating it. Because it is a very awful thing and works very fast. The horse I watched from the time I noticed he came to his food by smell rather than site missing the bucket as he went down to it. It was only less than 48 hours he was gone and it wasn’t a pretty site. The Vet gave us shots to give him one a day for three days of course it was left over. Good news is it’s a little early for mosquitoes (REAL BAD ANYWAY) and I don’t remember our Duce (half Belgin and half Quarter horse) having a bad fever right away. He was a 2-year-old stud that came with no shots to us. The EEE vaccine takes several weeks to take effect. The Vet said there was nothing we could have done. He had a good life for the couple of weeks he was there and I covered his face with my best cowboy hat as we buried him by hand. I cried for the young horse as he was really sweet. It doesn’t sound like your horse has what I witnessed to be EEE and the blood test was positive from the state of NC on mine. Good Luck Carl |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Monday, Mar 27, 2006 - 6:23 pm: Fever and depression are not enough to diagnose encephalitis. I see you are from africa and have different diseases than we have here. It is important to realize encephalitis is not a diagnosis it means there is inflammation in the brain, what does your veterinarian think is causing the inflammation?DrO |
Member: Mientjie |
Posted on Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 - 12:25 am: Thanks everyoneYes DrO we don't have these diseases here in South Africa. All the vet told us is that Amanda's blood is darker than usual and she also took her temperature and it had risen to 38.4*C. We'll have the results of the blood test back soon and I'll let you know. Lea-Anne |
Member: Mientjie |
Posted on Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 - 5:31 am: We finally got Amanda's blood test results. She does have Encephalitis (carried by midgets the same that carries African Horse Sickness (AHS))The vet says she's also aneamic. The heamotocrit is 30 instead of 36. Pulse Resting 56 (too fast), Breathing Resting (too fast). The profile of the blood work shows that Amanda is coping well and the vet is treating her with an immune booster. Blood samples are going to be taken to monitor her progress. I'm so relieved that she doesn't have AHS as this is a terrible (and deadly) disease. I'll let you know how everything is going. Lea-Anne |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 - 7:33 am: Thanks for keeping us informed Lea-Anne,What specific form of encephalitis is involved? Usually these are viruses that are named for where they were first identified as being endemic and by knowing the type it is easier to prognose the diseases course. Is she weak or incoordinated behind? The anemia is not caused by encephalitis, where does the vet thinking that is coming from? DrO |
Member: Mientjie |
Posted on Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 - 12:39 pm: HelloDrO I don't know were it is coming from or what causes the anemia. I'll try to find out. Amanda is not weak or incoordinated behind, just grumpy. Now we've got a new problem. The vet thinks Amanda may have Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy. What is this?! ![]() Lea-Anne |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Tuesday, Mar 28, 2006 - 5:17 pm: We have an article on EPSM see, Equine Diseases » Lameness » Muscle & Tendon Diseases » Tying Up, Rhabdomyolysis, and Shivers (EPSM)DrO |
Member: Mientjie |
Posted on Thursday, Mar 30, 2006 - 2:14 am: Amanda's got EPSM. We started her on her new diet yesterday and we are slowly removing her sweetfeed. We got the oil and the powders from the vet and Amanda doesn't mind eating it. Thank you so much for all the help from everyone! This is really a fantastic site!!Lea-Anne |