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Discussion on Pony with splayed legs | |
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Member: Jojo15 |
Posted on Saturday, Apr 15, 2006 - 10:26 am: I am considering buying (for fun only) a mini pony. She is not yet weaned. next month. But when i went to see her last week her legs were splayed out to the sides, front legs (is that even a word?) she is knock kneed a bit thereby making her two front feet stand further apart than if she was conformationally correct. her feet were too long too. Almost foundered looking. i wondered if that was part of the problem.So my first question is can this be corrected by good trimming in the future? Owner doesn't trim babies that young.... and my other question is what kinds of future problems might this pose down the road as she grows? could she ever be ridden? Could she have a normal life? I do not ever intend to show her. She would be a pet only, and maybe train her to take a saddle for little kids. Or even a cart. Who knows. She just might be a pal for my other horse. The only problem i am worried about is heartache. I don't care about taking her on and having to treat her a bit differently, but i don't want to take her on if in the future i must get surgery, or worse put her down for pain. Things of that nature. Other than that i find her conformationally good. Healthy. Friendly. Sweet disposition. her mother too. Back legs are fine. Any thoughts on this? |
Member: Jojo15 |
Posted on Tuesday, Apr 18, 2006 - 4:02 pm: I am putting this back out there hoping someone has had this experience. or Dr. O if you have any thoughts on this pony....thanks,jo |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - 7:26 am: The problem joj is the conformation judgements are a bit indeterminate and you give a range of work from pasture ornament to pulling a cart. Without an examination it is hard to give useful advice and impossible to accurately predict the future.As yard art almost any confirmation is acceptable but as a working mini, you should look for good confirmation to start with. The horse is young and the confirmation may improve, or maybe some combination of trimming and surgery could get the mini right, but it may not. DrO |
Member: Jojo15 |
Posted on Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - 1:20 pm: well the range of work would be more of a wish list. not a necessary thing. if she was just a lawn ornament that is fine. I just was curious if anyone has ever seen this before, and what happened to the animal as it got older. Surgery is not an option that is what i am worried about. Before i purchase her i want to make sure i am up to the task of taking care of her. or if its not a big deal at all. aslo since i don't really know about foals or ponys wonder if they all start out a bit splayed like that and grow out of it. etc. |
Member: Dawson |
Posted on Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - 4:00 pm: jojWe have a mini gelding deformed at birth. The first thing we did was get a physical examination, x-rays and CAT of the effected area (Spine/back/legs), and we continue to have him x-rayed every couple of years for changes, i.e. poss. of arthritis etc. He is now three and a small area of arthritis has appeared on one disk, on last months x-rays. He has no signs of pain or discomfort we have him on Gluco/ChonDrOit/MSM currently at the suggestion of our Vet. Like Dr. O I would strongly suggest you have the little guy checked out throughly, to help determine the Mini's health and future care if needed. |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - 7:37 am: Joj, the conformation you describe above is called carpal valgus deformity and I should have referred you to Equine Diseases » Lameness » Joint & Bone Diseases » Angular Limb Deformities in Foals.DrO |
Member: Jojo15 |
Posted on Wednesday, Jun 7, 2006 - 11:52 pm: jUst wanted to update all. i did go ahead and buy the pony. I just couldn't get her out of my mind. and i just kept wondering and wondering about her. and it just must be karma, or something. She is a doll. Came home today. Her splayed legs were 100% better after a good trimming over a month or so ago. ( i think i embarrassed the owner into getting the pony trimmed). i also waited an extra month to make sure she was growing properly. And now that i have her, will get an xray done when funds allow. I think that she is going well from what i see. i'm not a conformation expert by any means... But it looks good.Since this pony is going somewhere, i figured why not here. And why not with me. ( so my attitude changed from month 3 to 5, i can handle it and any heartbreak, if ever) if anything she will just be with me as long as she lives and if she is just a lawn ornament, so be it. I will post pics if i can ... Owner abrupt weaned her... might have to post in another section on that... grin. wasn't too thrilled when i heard that, and she has done nothing with her for the last 5 months... but hey, what am i to do, i think it was fate. And she hasn't nickered much like i was anticipating.. So hows that saying go... all's well that end's well? or should i say start... |
Member: Boomer |
Posted on Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - 12:22 pm: It sounds like it was meant to be! I'm very happy for you joj!![]() |
Member: Hwood |
Posted on Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - 12:37 pm: Ditto, joj. Photo, please.Seems like what you described is the process I go through with most every horse who's ended up with me . . . Some things are just meant to be. ![]() |
Member: Jojo15 |
Posted on Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - 2:05 pm: I don't know why i didn't send this link sooner. It shows her legs and why i was so worried. and the photos attached in the thread are of her now. big difference.I have her set up in with the doeling i have. kiwi gets on 6x12 and the doeling gets the other. and i think it is helping in her nervousness. ![]() ![]() |
Member: Hwood |
Posted on Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - 2:23 pm: OH, MY GOSH!!!! Is she cute or WHAT??? LOL . . . and I love the pics of her cuddling with the dacshund (or is it "daschund?") . . . no matter . . . she's adorable . . . |
Member: Green007 |
Posted on Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - 2:58 pm: Of COURSE you bought the pony! What a cutie pie. Have fun with her! |
Member: Erika |
Posted on Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - 4:48 pm: CUTE!! Love your blogsite, or whatever you call that... |
Member: Jojo15 |
Posted on Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - 5:36 pm: LOL.. i call it therapy... or journal... its fun because i love to talk about my animals. and their antics.That dachschund almost came with the pony.. but he eats chickens so i said no. He literally was in the trailer and the owner was yeah take her too.... huh no... this mornring we did nothing but play. I took her out to buucking and fighting the lead and trying to be a pain. I put her back walking by my side, and learning whoa and come... not bad for 3 hours of fun. And started currying all the crap off her... and she met the goats, horses, dogs, chickens, and pig... and we all went for a walk... (well not the big horse).... If i believed in those old wives tails about how many times they roll in one sitting vs. their value, i'd have a really expensive horse. She rolled 26 times in one lay down.... That's it i'm done... no more animals... i have my animal house.... |
Member: Warwick |
Posted on Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - 11:40 am: Joj, what a little doll she is! Please keep sending us updated photos.Sue |
Member: Boomer |
Posted on Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - 12:22 pm: That is the cutest pony I've ever seen! No wonder you fell in love. |
Member: Jojo15 |
Posted on Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - 2:40 pm: I am either really lucky. or its the right thing. My mare is giving her a hard time (expected) and pony is just not fazed in the slightest. She is lip smacking back, and not letting bran intimidate her. She is just doing everything bran does. And i see that bran isn't really giving her a hard time, she is just going thru the i hate you but not really phase. Its only been 2 days. I (hopefully), foresee them getting along famously. Right now thru the fence, because i can tell she is looking for an udder. Ha.But, wait till you see the pics of them together. Its raining or i would go take some. THEY look identical in color just ones a mini... And she is so good. Or give it time? She was crying a bit this morning, and looking for bran, so i put her in the paddock next to her. Let her mimic bran for a while, and see how it goes. Since bran is the best behaved horse i have ever seen, i'm hoping that will rub off. Since this is my first pony can i assume many of the things i learned over the years with training and caring for a larger horse are identical? I would assume so, but who knows. she is cute though, huh? |
Member: Suzeb |
Posted on Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - 5:01 pm: Cuter than a "Bugs ear"![]() I think with these little guys you have to be more careful in their feeding regime. Not too much and not too rich. Congratulations, she is a sweetie pie ![]() Susan B. |