Discussion on Diarrhea after worming
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Posted on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 - 11:17 am:
DrO- I have a friend with a new filly who when she was born had healthy stool. After she was three weeks old, they wormed her with Zimmectrin. The mare was wormed with Zimmectrin when her foal was 3 days old. Immediately after the baby was wormed, she developed diarrhea and they had to take her to a vet to get electrolytes. I guess the foal is ok now, after about a week of diarrhea. The vet asked her if she had geese near the horses. This is a new one on me, so I am wondering what possible effects geese would have on horses?! Can they carry and pass diseases in the fields or water to horses? I have another friend who has lost two babies in a row to red bag deliveries. Her mares are on pasture and they drink from a creek that geese play in. Any connection? I also wondered about the worming procedures of new foals and their mothers. It seemed harsh to me to worm with Zimmectrin so soon. The lady with the two babies who died from red bags also feeds grain, and hay. Fescue isn't present in the fields or hay. I do think that all their water comes from the pond where the geese are. I've not heard of this before and am very curious. Thanks alot!!
Posted on Thursday, May 4, 2000 - 3:22 am:
The Zimectrin is one of the least toxic dewormers you can use and should be safe in a 3 week old foal. Though it is not impossible it is unlikely the dewormer caused the diarrhea. I am not sure what the point of the goose question was, could you ask the vet and let us know? DrO