Discussion on Anemia? I need your opinion on blood counts
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New Member: Jvecsey
Posted on Monday, Sep 23, 2002 - 10:07 pm:
I have a 23 year old thoro/quarter horse. Biggie has been a retired companion to my mare. He is lively in the paddock. Very few vets are around here-so I feel I am on my own. This past spring, he did not shed out as cleanly as he had especially on his back (which is swayed). In May, he developed lymphangitis in his right hock (huge swellling, fever etc.) HE WAS TREATED WITH ANTIBIOTICS, BUTE, COLD HOSE ETC. Within 3 days, he acted like himself and in 2 weeks, the swelling had disappeared. Two months later it reoccurred without the fever, feeling of illness etc. Treatment was the same-with additional days of antibiotic. While sweilling did not go down completely, his leg looked good. Thre weeks later, he his again swollen from his hock down--but like a badly stocked up horse--not grossly swollen like before. Bute makes more of a difference than poultices or raps or even cold hosing. But when I stop the bute he swells. He is eager to trot up for his grain with no lameness and over the summer has lost more weight. Blood test showed him "slightly anemic." Vet has no suggestion other than weight supplement. He is on quality hay 9as much as he wants), Purina Senior, a multivitamin and Flex Free.
Member: Jvecsey
Posted on Monday, Sep 23, 2002 - 10:11 pm:
Sorry, but I also meant to add--his feet smell very thrushy. I have been applying thrush remedies. My mare does not have this and stalls are pretty clean.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Tuesday, Sep 24, 2002 - 7:58 am:
You do not list any values from the blood work so I will refer you to the article on anemia that is associated with this forum. Lymphangitis also has an article of its own at, � Equine Diseases � Lameness � Swollen, Painful, Legs. It is not unusual for this problem to become chronic and require repeated therapy and ongoing supportive treatment for swelling, see the article for more on this. Lastly I would like to comment that the reason for the problem may be decreased immune function from Equine Cushinoid Disease. To learn more about this see, � Equine Diseases � Endocrine Disorders � Cushing's SynDrOme and Pituitary Tumors. DrO
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