Discussion on Timing of tests
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Member: leslie1
Posted on Friday, Aug 1, 2008 - 4:16 pm:
Hi, As you all know Im planning on breeding my mare, next may. When I have the vet come out this fall to do fall vaccinations would it be ok to have him do the breeding soundness exam then? Or does that test need to be done close to the day I breed her? My purpose to have it done this fall is to spread out the costs a little. Is there any info out there on the chronological things to be done for the mare owner...sorta like a checklist of the when and wheres? What is the breeding soundness test. Is it an ultra sound of the uterus? I couldnt find the article on the cytology/culture test. Thanks leslie Ps DrO... If I promise NOT to breed, will you buy me an RID? or talk my hubby into it
Member: paardex
Posted on Saturday, Aug 2, 2008 - 4:23 am:
Leslie put the money you want and can spend on a foal on a bankaccount add each time when you should have paid something for the foal, bet you will have enough in four years to buy at least a cross draft . Still you would miss all the fun of breeding. I have the uterus ultrasounded before winter then there is a lot of time for the mare to recover in case something needs to be done. Jos PS Don't want to offend you with my first statement just my experiences talking
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 5, 2008 - 9:25 am:
Hello Leslie, I see the link in the article is broken and you will find it at Equine Reproduction » Horse Breeding & Artificial Insemination » Uterine Culture and Cytology. I will get that link fixed. Most of the tests done on mares that have no history of problems are discussed in the above article but there is no standard breeding soundness test: much depends on the history of the mare, your goals, and your resources. It will also depend on the requirements of the breeding farm. For instance if the mare has never been bred and cycles normally often no exam, other than a negative Coggins if traveling, is required. However if the breeding is expensive and the breeding not guaranteed a rectal and a ultrasound for normal anatomy might be beneficial for the rare incidence of congenital anatomical problems. DrO