Discussion on Bloody discharge from mare in heat
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Member: ellebell
Posted on Wednesday, Apr 4, 2012 - 7:28 pm:
One of my mares is in heat and today I put her in with my stallion. He has mounted her, but I don't know if he has successfully bred her (penetrated her). I noticed that when she was breaking down and urinating there was a blood tinged discharge from her vulva. Should I remove her and skip the breeding this cycle to have it checked out? In other words, will it hurt to let her stay with him and continue the breeding cycle till it's over? (In answer to a similar post (different focus in the question), you said a serum like discharge after breeding was part of a "cleaning out.") I am trying to clarify if my situation is different.
Member: mrose
Posted on Wednesday, Apr 4, 2012 - 7:42 pm:
Is she a maiden?
Member: ellebell
Posted on Wednesday, Apr 4, 2012 - 7:44 pm:
Yes, she is.
Member: mrose
Posted on Thursday, Apr 5, 2012 - 1:31 am:
If this is the first time she was bred, the blood could be from her hymen being broken. Some mares have rather thick ones and will bleed a little. The blood mixed with normal drainage will make it look like there is more blood than there really is. I would keep an eye on her though and if the bloody discharge continues, get her checked. I'm no vet, so this is just from my own observation and experience.
Moderator: DrO
Posted on Sunday, Apr 8, 2012 - 2:01 pm:
Hello PRU, Sara has it right, it is normal for mares to bleed following there first breeding from the hymen being broken. We should note however that we cannot rule out other causes or other damage from the breeding without an exam. DrO
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