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Discussion on Gelding / Mare VERY friendly | |
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Member: Aliazb |
Posted on Friday, Oct 22, 2004 - 11:35 am: I recently started turning my 20yo gelding out with a mare pony. They quickly became good friends, sharing food bowls and hay piles and nicker to each other when they see the other coming to be turned out. We have not had issues with them being pushy when one has to leave and they both seem to work well in the arena or out on trails without the other. However, now my gelding has started mounting the mare. Although I have not seen them, others in the barn have and the mare's owner has found semen between her legs. Neither horse appears injured.Question: Is there any reason why the two should not be allowed to stay together? Their behavior is upsetting to some at the barn and although I am suprised to be faced with this question I don't see why we should separate them. The mare's owner is also perplexed by the situation (not what they are doing just what we should do about it, if Feed back would be appreciated. If we decided to keep them together we will have to present a solid case to the other barn members as we are members of a co-op barn and there is no barn manager to decide for us. Thanks |
Member: Canter |
Posted on Friday, Oct 22, 2004 - 1:38 pm: Please pardon my complete and utter ignorance here but can a gelding ejaculate semen? I ask because I've seen plenty of geldings mount mares but I've never noticed semen left on the mare--perhaps I didn't look close enough? I just know this is a dumb question, but I'm very curious...Do you have the option of several different pastures where you could seperate the two horses? However, if neither you nor the pony's owner is concerned and if the pony can fend for herself (what's the size difference?) and is unlikely to get hurt, why would others be bothered by perfectly natural behavior? I'll be interested in what everyone else has to say... |
Member: Redmare |
Posted on Friday, Oct 22, 2004 - 10:37 pm: Hi Alison-I would not be alarmed by this normal behavior. Horses are social animals and are happiest doing, um, social things! Without testicles, a gelding cannot ejaculate. The white fluid seen on the mare is most likely the fluid she excretes during heat; it's a combination lube/scent signal. She will stop excreting it when she goes out of heat, and the gelding will probably stop mounting her (till next month)! |
Member: Christos |
Posted on Saturday, Oct 23, 2004 - 7:46 am: Hi, Alison,People who find this behaviour upsetting will also find it upsetting when a male horse "hangs out". What will you do then? Cut his penis off? Have these people worked out all problems with their horses (and lives) so they have the time to be occupied with whom your gelding is mounting? If yes, tell them that I envy them. If not, tell them that they should get to work with those problems first... Christos |
Member: Mrose |
Posted on Saturday, Oct 23, 2004 - 9:13 am: Re: "cut his penis off"...there's times I've thought that a good idea!![]() It's kind of sad that so many "modern" people are so offended by the natural acts of animals. I've seen people get all embarrased and upset over ducks and chickens mating (actually they usually think they are fighting) let alone cows and horses. I'm glad I now live in such a rural area that these things are not even noticed. Are people everywhere so "sensitive" or is it just here in the U.S. where I assume these attitudes were inherited from our Victorian and Puritain ancesters? |
Moderator: DrO |
Posted on Saturday, Oct 23, 2004 - 9:33 am: Let me correct one thing above. It might be possible for a gelding to ejaculate but the ejaculate would be void of sperm. The ejaculate would consist of the fluids from the accessory sex glands. This all presumens the gelding has the libido to consumate the act.DrO |
Member: Aliazb |
Posted on Sunday, Oct 24, 2004 - 12:33 pm: Thank you all for your responses. This board is so helpful and it is nice to know that I have a supportive place to go even if my question sounds stupid. As a new horse owner you are all very much appreciated. |
Member: Lisamg |
Posted on Friday, Oct 29, 2004 - 5:37 pm: Alison;I too have an "active" older gelding. Mine started this behaviour when I moved him to his "own" barn about 6 years ago and "his" first mare moved in. Previously he had been boarded at either all male barns or at breeding farms where most mares were prepetually pregnant. I used to worry he would have a heart attack because they would be at it all day. And I agree with Dr.O. They can ejaculate, just not make foals. There are more geldings like this than you think. Fortuneatly no one complained, but I do know what your going through becuase I had a gelding many years ago that had the same behavior at a boarding barn (but with my own mare) and was still forced to keep them seperate. I was told at the time that it was illegal to keep breeding animals in open view to the public? Anyway, my "old guy", who is now 25 now has 3 mares (and is very happy) but has stopped the mounting business. Maybe he's just too old to care, or it's just not "new" anymore. However, he still plays the part of the stallion when they are in heat and talks to them, sniffs etc... and his hearding behaviour is very strong. If I were you, and your fellow boarders would let you, I'd leave them alone and let them be happy. They are obviously very emotionaly attached now and seperating them on the same property would just lead to a lot of stress for both of them. If the mare's not in danger of being penetrated, then I don't see any harm. I used to just look at it as "hill work". I'm sure it has wonderful conditioning effects. ![]() Good Luck! Lisa |