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Discussion on Mini mare turns her butt and kicks at me ???? | ||
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Member: quatro |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 10, 2010 - 10:47 pm: Well I took the dive, and bought the little mini. She is 2 years old, I have had her a week and a day. She has been absolutely perfect. I have taken her into my training room, up steps, in the kennel. She has been great. I was going to send the seller an e-mail today congratulating them on doing such a great job.Well, then, tonight, we went for a walk, I could feel that she was a bit more on edge, dancing on the lead rope, walking out in front, etc. The other 3 boys were out in the field, so I decided to put her in the big pasture next to them, ( which i have been doing) so she could do some running. She went over to the gate, hung out and ate a while, then decided to roll and scratch, she managed to get caught in the chain link fence, and laid on her side. I ran up to her, pulled her leg free and rolled her over onto the side away from the fence so she could get up. She walked away and began eating. I talked to her, and reached over to scratch her butt, in 2 seconds she backed into me kicking, ears back! I was quite startled and fell backwards. I got up put her on her lead rope, took her out of the yard and did some back ups, forwards, stops etc. I then took her back into the yard, turned her out and she was running and playing, so I ran and played along side her(this i think was a mistake). When I approached her from behind, she pinned her ears and backed up at me. I had the lead rope and swatted her butt, but she kept backing at me. YIKES!!!!!. I caught her and repeated some ground work, took out a brush and worked on chatting out our differences. she seemed fine, but when i took her off her lead rope, she again turned her butt to me? So what is the proper response here? She had several helpings of alfalfa ( which she has been on before I got her), but accidently got fed by 2 different people today, so had more than I would give her. Could this have had her all hopped up? I think the honeymoon is over, and she is trying to figure out the herd dynamics, maybe? She even did a little striking out the first time, so this is definate aggression, or playing with me like I am another horse. HELP!!!! I really want to use her for therapy work with my reins of hope program, and nursing home visits, so need to work this out. Sorry so long - Need some good advice so I don't screw it up ![]() suz |
Member: scooter |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 10, 2010 - 11:07 pm: When I first read this the first thing that popped in my head was I would give her a swift kick in the butt everytime she threatened me this way. Sounds like she is testing her new owner and you need to nip it in the bud quickly but firmly...ponies will be ponies![]() |
Member: scooter |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 10, 2010 - 11:08 pm: PS timing is everything.... |
Member: canter |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 7:23 am: Susan, I think you are correct: your little mini is trying to figure out her place in the herd. I would start carrying a dressage or longe whip with you. The second she turns that butt towards you, give her a good crack with it and get her moving off right away. I wouldn't even take the time to clip the lead back on and take her somewhere else, just immedietely get her moving and working hard (as long as you're in a safe place to do so).Get her started on some good solid ground work; she may have done this with the previous owner, but it sounds like she needs to learn to respect everyone. No 'playing' until she learns some respect. I'm sure she will be fine with a bit of a refresher course. She is a young horse, in a new place and is trying to figure things out. Now is the time to make sure she understands that you are the boss. |
Member: 36541 |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 7:40 am: OK, very sorry if I'm the only one getting a much needed morning chuckle out of this!![]() |
Member: mientjie |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 7:47 am: Hi SusanPlease don't despair! Our miniature horse Benny did the exact same thing. We are very strict with him in this regard, but most important is that she mustn't upset or scare you, otherwise she'll get the upper hand. Carrying a dressage whip is a good idea, when she kicks give her a small smack immediately and say NO in a strong voice and just continue on as if nothing has happened. After a while she will realize its easier to behave. Also be careful of alfafa with a mini, they seem to get crazy easily when fed to much. Benny get about a cup twice a day and is still fat with loads of energy! Good luck with her, I'm sure she will turn out to be a wonderful therapy horse! |
Member: ajudson1 |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 9:30 am: Funny isn't it? It seems the smaller the horse, the tougher they seem to think they are!Something to consider here: Remembering she is small, and in a new home, she may be having some anxiety. I wouldn't be so quick to smack her. You say you are coming up behind her, are you talking to her? I am thinking just observe her and try to look through her eyes for a bit, staying safe of course! I have found that a stern HEY, and moving my body is enough sometimes, with some horses. Not against hitting her in the butt, BUT, it might cause more problems. Timing is everything, yet I feel many times we forget to consider things from the horses point of view. You are there with her of course and I might very well smack her myself if I were in your shoes! Pictures please! |
Member: quatro |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 10:41 am: Thanks to you all, I really was up at 2am thinking what have I gotten myself into. A little encouragement goes along way. I feel better all ready.Here is a picture of Lacy's first ride and day home. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() She has beautiful blonde eyelashes, and generally has had very sweet, calm eyes. Wish me luck - today is another day ![]() |
Member: quatro |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 11:49 am: Well, I did not go out prepared with a dressage whip, as I did not think we would have an immediate problem, WRONG! So of course Timing was off.I moved her from her stall to the day area I have for her. She went into Cody's stall, and started picking at the hay he left on the ground, I was walking out of the stall, and boom the butt comes at me swinging. I instinctively threw the bucket at her, went out in search of the dressage whip. When I returned she did it again, this time I swatted her butt, sent her out into the outside area, closed the stall door, and round and round I had her trot, when she stopped, if her butt was towards me, I snapped the whip, and sent her off again. When she finally stopped and I could approach her head, I petted her and let her rest. We took a break, opened the stall door and repeated. Again she offered me her butt, and we repeated. I am exhausted from a little tiny tyrant! I fed my dogs, did my kennel chores, went back into the stall briefly patted her head and left, no butt this time, but I must say I am a bit disheartened ![]() |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 12:23 pm: LOL! Well, she sure is cute! Hang in there. It's a test of wills, like with a 2 yr. old I think.![]() |
Member: mientjie |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 12:23 pm: Please don't be disheartened... I went through the exact same thing with our mini, just be patient and persistent it WILL get better.She is an absolute beauty and has a very kind eye ![]() |
Member: canter |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 1:10 pm: Well, if I was as adorable as your little mini, I'd have attitude, too! She is beyond cute! Given people's reactions to adorable animals, I would guess that she was a bit spoiled prior to coming to you, Susan.I think Lea-Anne summed it up well: patience and persistence. You will both be just fine - you'll just need to make sure you are more stubborn than she is! ![]() |
Member: juliem |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 1:47 pm: That is an exceptionally nice mini! Most I've seen are way overweight! My vet says if he's going to have trouble with a horse being disrespectful it's a mini because people don't take them seriously and expect them to behave as you would a horse. I've found with my youngsters, any time they turn their butt to me with even a hint of "malice" I throw my hands up, shout and chase them off. I may even chase them around a bit being pretty aggressive with body language, throwing arms up, etc. They really never try it more than that as weanlings, but since she's a bit older and I'll bet a bit spoiled as a result of the cute factor she may try it more times. Each time immediately react by running her off and the shouting helps too because they really don't like the "startle" factor. After they move away and present their front end, I bring down the body language, walk to their head and give a forehead rub. They all come around and will learn to approach politely. I've never had one be hard to catch or approach as a result of this, so don't worry she won't like you or will fear you. Watch the alpha mare discipline a subordinate. As soon as it's over, the subordinate is trying to hang out with her. |
Member: cometrdr |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 2:39 pm: She is adorable SUsan - you can bring her with you when you come to visit in Prescott!!! Love her |
Member: dustee |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 4:49 pm: Guess it's just a matter of who's going to be in charge - you or her.....she wants you to make up your mind - now!! Of course, you're not going to be very happy if it's her!! Good luck..she's testing, testing..... |
Member: quatro |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 10:52 pm: I am so thankful for all of you guys. I really was feeling down and out, and questioning my reasoning, which I am sure I will many a time.Stacy, I can see you just a giggling, as I was knocked on my rump, by a 30" tall little hellion ![]() We had a good evening. I took her for a walk in the kennel, visited some people, put her in the back yard with the chickens and ducks. She did fine, not once did she offer her butt. Whew . . . She is bred by the way, she was bred June 18th, would that have anything to do with it? She also did a weird behavior tonight. I have never ever owned a mare. I gave them all a spray down tonight, it is soooooo extremely hot and humid, then brought them in the barn in front of the fans. I put a flake of grass hay in front of her, she started pawing and "nesting", then layed down and rolled in the hay. Probably cuz she was wet, eh? Then she pushed her butt against the wall and scratched for 5 minutes. I wanted an new adventure, so here it is ![]() learning, learning, learning I thought she was kind of young to be bred, the guy sold out all of his herd, money problems I guess. Lacy was born on his place and has never lived anywhere else. They would bring them all on the deck to hang out etc. His other mare has done birthday parties, nursing homes, etc. and they seem very kind. The horses had a great barn/ Lacy was 16 inches tall when she was born. ![]() |
Member: ajudson1 |
Posted on Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 11:08 pm: She's too cute for words!Watch your back, and her back end, lol! I was just telling a friend that when I get too old to ride, or too broke to own full sized horses, I am going to get me a mini or 2. I'll remember this discussion and keep in mind they are still HORSES. |
Member: lilo |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 12, 2010 - 9:43 am: Very, very cute! I have no experience with minis, but fortunately others have. I only know that some neighbors had trouble keeping their minis at home - real escape artists. Require a mesh fence if they are pastured.Good luck, Lilo |
Member: hpyhaulr |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 22, 2010 - 8:24 pm: I have been having major internet issues and just got to see these pix today! She is precious! I am up to 4 minis now, and Walt is resigned to the fact that there will be more. They have so much personality packed into that cute little package.If you get into a pickle, email me... I have a laundry list of mini breeders and mini chatroom angels with huge hearts, large brains and FAR more experience than I will ever have. And yes, they are ALL excape artists. Do you have a Personal Ponies chapter in your state??? They do a lot of work with minis helping autistic children, nursing homes and children dealing with grief. Sandra, the Fla state director had sent me pix of a couple we delivered to her and I was shocked to see them in her beautiful West Palm home! I asked how in the world she did that with the,'sanitation issues'. As seriously as possible, she said, well, in South Florida we use a lot of tile floors and it helps to pay your housekeeper VERY well! ROFL!!!! |
Member: juliem |
Posted on Sunday, Aug 22, 2010 - 10:20 pm: Sorry, very off topic, but Cyndy--any chance your internet issues have to do with Earthlink? I'm still fighting with them not to send HA emails to spam! Have had NINE chats and been assured twice they would fix it! Now it's been ten days and still no emails! Sheesh, I want one of those bumper stickers your printed up........ |
Member: rtrotter |
Posted on Monday, Aug 23, 2010 - 7:25 am: Hello all:Alexandra Kurlander successfully trained a mini to be a guide horse for the blind using clicker training. This little mini was housebroken and learned to go on command when taken outside. She also was trained to lie down like a dog when her person was at events, she navigated everything from steps to elevators. These little mini's are quite adaptive and intelligent as well as fun. Rachelle |
Member: quatro |
Posted on Monday, Aug 23, 2010 - 1:54 pm: Lacy is doing great. We have no problems, other than she loves feet. She smells and nuzzles everyones feet.I am working with her on getting use to the wheelchairs, walkers etc. She doesn't even blink. She wears her boots, like no big deal. She does however always manage to poop when she has been in the kennel for a time. this is something I need to figure out, as the nursing home staff may not been keen on horsey poop ![]() She does great at steps going up, but likes to dive bomb on the going down. Practice, Practice Practice! I would like to train her well enough to take into some meetings to help raise money for our "Reins of Hope" therapy program. Any ideas on what to do for the losing of the mane hair? suz |
Member: quatro |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 26, 2010 - 10:39 pm: First I am going to upload the picture, then you can maybe see why we had another problem with My Little Princess
Perhaps it was the humiliation, but after we had this wonderful parade. I removed her garb, told her to go back to being a horse, and let her graze. I sat on the swing and talked with my friend who was standing just behind her to her left. Out of the blue, she backed up and kicked this gal in the shins. Whats up with that???????? She was not paying attention, just standing there with her arms crossed talking to me. I whopped her with the lead rope, (thankfully Erika is a horse person) and yelled at her. After that we went to the round pen and did a little work out. She seems to have a problem with an itchy butt? could this have anything at all to do with this? She backed into the corner of the round pen, and just scratches her butt like crazy. I would venture to guess she is not quite ready for the nursing home scene ![]() suz |
Member: quatro |
Posted on Thursday, Aug 26, 2010 - 10:41 pm: ![]() |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Friday, Aug 27, 2010 - 12:52 am: I gotta tell you that if you put that outfit on one of my horses, it would kick too!![]() You may be on to something with the itchy butt. I wonder if she wants scratches then gets mad when she doesn't get them. Is she out when gnats are aroung? Maybe they are causing an allergic reaction? |
Member: hpyhaulr |
Posted on Friday, Aug 27, 2010 - 6:59 am: Julie, I would have emailed this privately to you, but lost my addy book a couple of weeks ago in a target virus attack. I had bumper stickers made up, "friends don't let friends drive earthlink" I will send you one. email me pvt.Suzie, too bad Lacy is so shy about letting you know how she feels!! lol did you try the bannixx? Did you even get that email back from me? (earthlink is having outgoing email issues) |
Member: quatro |
Posted on Friday, Aug 27, 2010 - 10:35 am: I have been so spoiled with my geldings, or I just don't remember the terrible 2's that Levi went through. lolI think she gave me her opinion of dressing up horses, poor Erika took the blunt of her message. She is all wound up this am again, she is pawing for food. It is finally much cooler here, that could have something to do with it as well. Cyndi, no i did not receive an e-mail from you, in fact, I did not think that you received mine, as i had to jump through some weird hoops to even get the e-mail sent. I would love some connections to mini sites for advice and support ![]() |
Member: mrose |
Posted on Friday, Aug 27, 2010 - 11:53 am: I forgot she was just two! That explains lot!![]() |
Member: lhenning |
Posted on Tuesday, Aug 31, 2010 - 2:08 pm: Isn't an itchy butt a symptom of some kind of parasite? Seems like I remember reading that.Cute little mini! |