Discussion on Mare shakes her head when upset
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New Member: l8rider
Posted on Friday, May 16, 2008 - 12:35 pm:
Head Shaking as protest? Just got a new gelding I have been teaching to lunge via voice command. He's 4 yrs., healthy, very good ground manners and easy to work with in all respects. While lunging at liberty however, he lowers his head to ground and shakes...not violently, just shakes 3-4 times. He continues his circles and speed. If I ignore his head shaking, he will turn his whole head/outside shoulder toward me and give me a "pleeeeeeze?" look, but still continues his circle/speed. Is this merely a dominance/protest thing and, if so, is it something I need to discourage or just let it be as long as he is doing his job?
Member: lhenning
Posted on Friday, May 16, 2008 - 1:07 pm:
My horse did this too. I ignored it and he quit after a period of time. They are like school children sometimes, and just have to tell us this "work thing" is not as fun as eating grass. You might get more responses if you begin a new discussion rather than continuing an old one. Good luck, Linda
Member: erika
Posted on Saturday, May 17, 2008 - 8:01 am:
I have read here and elsewhere that nylon netting laying over the nose will sometimes stop this behavior. Forgot why. (there goes that "Walking Encyclopedia of Useless Knowledge" thing my brother used to tease me about ): HorseAdvice.com » Training, Behavior, & Conditioning Horses » Behavioral Problems » Head Shaking » One solution for head shakers