Antibiotic resistance in bacteria associated with equine respiratory disease

Vet Rec. 2020 May 22. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria associated with equine respiratory disease in the United Kingdom. Fonseca JD1, Mavrides DE2, Morgan AL1, Na JG1, Graham PA3, McHugh TD1. Author information: 1. Centre of Clinical Microbiology, University College London, London, London, UK. 2. Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 3. … Read more

Intra-synovial triamcinolone treatment is not associated with laminitis

Intra-synovial triamcinolone treatment is not associated with incidence of acute laminitis Equine Vet J. 2020 Nov 10. C J Haseler 1 2 , G E Jarvis 3 , K F McGovern 4 Affiliations 1 Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 2 Westover Veterinary Centre, Hainford, Norfolk, UK. 3 Department of Physiology, Development … Read more

Psyllium supplementation is associated with changes in the fecal microbiota

I found this summary interesting and so went and read the paper and I must say that despite the positive spin in the summary the actual results a bit underwhelming. It is a case of statistically “significant findings” being less than clinically significant findings. Of particular interest is the finding that sand (silica) excretion did … Read more

Texas Anthrax Situational Update 8/13/19

NEWS RELEASE Texas Animal Health Commission “Serving Texas Animal Agriculture Since 1893” Andy Schwartz, DVM ● Executive Director P.O. Box l2966 ● Austin, Texas 78711 ● (800) 550-8242 For more information contact the Public Information Dept. at 512-719-0750 or at FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 13, 2019 Texas Anthrax Situational Update No. 6 Austin, … Read more

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Introduction The Advisor is different things to different people: Some use the existing documents as a equine information resource, we think one of the best in the world. Best because information is not static but updated reflecting new experiences, new research, and new requests from you. For some members, The Advisor’s interactivity to explore and … Read more

Relationship between tracheobronchoscopic score and BAL cytology for dx of EIPH

Not a surprise but serves as a reminder: some horses with low tracheobronchoscopic scores have significant bleeding. J Vet Intern Med. 2019 Dec 27. doi: 10.1111/jvim.15676. [Epub ahead of print] Relationship between tracheobronchoscopic score and bronchoalveolar lavage red blood cell numbers in the diagnosis of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage in horses. Lopez Sanchez CM1, Kogan C2, … Read more

Evaluating Overall Performance in High-Level Dressage Horse-Rider Combinations

Evaluating Overall Performance in High-Level Dressage Horse-Rider Combinations by Comparing Measurements from Inertial Sensors with General Impression Scores Awarded by Judges Animals (Basel). 2023 Aug 2;13(15):2496. doi: 10.3390/ani13152496. Authors Sarah Jane Hobbs 1 , Filipe Manuel Serra Braganca 2 , Marie Rhodin 3 , Elin Hernlund 3 , Mick Peterson 4 , Hilary M Clayton … Read more