PPID, ACTH, and infertility in mares

In this study mares with fertility issues had an increase incidence of elevated ACTH levels suggestive of PPID. It would seem sensible that part of evaluation of mares with low fertility is a screening for PPID and if found positive, consider treatment for the condition. Pergolide remains the treatment of choice for PPID. Concerning the … Read more

Systemic Toxoplasmosis in a Horse, a possible emerging problem.

Another cause of chronic weight loss has to be added to the list of rule-outs: Toxoplasmosis. Also, it begs the consideration of pregnant women around horses. The life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii is complex and comprises two specific phases, sexual and asexual reproduction. The sexual part of the life cycle starts after infecting its definitive … Read more

Phenylbutazone prior to racing and musculoskeletal and fatal injuries

In this well designed study there was a significant increase in the odds (appx 50% greater) of injury, sometimes catastrophic, to racehorses given prerace phenylbutazone. There are several possible reasons but racing horses that are not 100% sound and racing horses on meds that may prevent them from feeling the pain of impending muscoskeletal failure … Read more