Pharmacological effects of new omeprazole preparations in horses

The hope is this is the start of competition for this product which going forward may be much less expensive. Always be careful of the product design and that there is evidence that the drug becomes available to the horse for its anti-gastric acid action. See the article for more on this. I believe this … Read more

Preliminary Data from Six Years of Selective Anthelmintic Treatment

If you are not running fecals regularly then basing your deworming decisions based on the results you don’t know if what you are doing is effective and/or leading to resistant parasites. We are increasingly recommending this program and find horse owners spend less and use less dewormer. For more see the article associated with this … Read more

Effects of biting on Dynamic Laryngeal Collapse

To reiterate the clearly stated conclusion: This study could not provide any clear evidence that the effect of a snaffle bit in a horse’s mouth influences the development or severity of DLC. Instead, head and neck angles induced by rein tension seems to be the key event in provoking DLC in susceptible horses. Equine Vet … Read more

Casting horses causes problems

It has long been understood that long term casting of adult equine legs almost invariably leads to soft tissue problems: just too much force of these tissues causes necrosis and inflammation. Here is documented other problems including damage to the bones and joints. It is really not an option for the long term care of … Read more

Voriconazole orally for fungal keratitis and corneal ulceration

One of the most difficult medical situations in horses is rapidly progressive corneal ulceration with fungi frequently the cause. NB that bacteria also can be a common cause making early diagnostic work important, see the article. The rapid rate of progression in combination with the difficulty of the needed repeated frequent treatment of the eye … Read more

Headshaking: Owner Assessment and Treatment Survey

This was an interesting and enlightening survey of therapeutic attempts to control headshaking in horses. Of interest was the lack of evaluation and treatment of photic causes of headshaking. Perhaps this is because of the location. Germany is further north in latitude than almost all of the continental US so daylight is not as intense. … Read more

Outbreak of equid herpesvirus 1 abortions

Here is a informative study of a EHV-1 outbreak with several important lessons for those who run breeding facilities. The first is that EHV-1 is never really gone from a horse. The virus remains quiescent until some event allows for recrudesce. Two, it seems that regular vaccination for EHV-1/4 was keeping the EHV-1 repressed and … Read more

Septic fibrinous pericarditis in 4 horses / forest tent caterpillars

This serves as a reminder to keep caterpillar nests out of your horse pastures. DrO Can Vet J. 2020 Jul;61(7):724-730. Septic fibrinous pericarditis in 4 horses in Saskatchewan following an outbreak of forest tent caterpillars in 2017. Chapuis RJJ1, Ragno VM1, Ariza CA1, Movasseghi AR1, Sayi S1, Uehlinger FD1, Montgomery JB1. Author information: 1. Clinical … Read more